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Comments 5

playswithworms March 10 2012, 02:26:14 UTC
Ooh, so pretty! What you have there is a Luna Moth, male it looks like (the females have thinner antennae). The shivering doesn't mean he's unhappy - they're cold-blooded and adapted to temperate climates, so as long as it doesn't get below feezing he'll just get slow and sleepy and get active again when it warms up, or they can shiver to get warm enough to fly.

Sadly, as adults they don't have mouthparts and can't even feed, so there's not much you can do to help - they only live a week or so, long enough to mate and lay eggs for the next generation. Probably the best thing to do with this guy is put him back outside (they can sometimes batter their wings up trying to get out of containers, although a cardboard box shouldn't do too much damage). He'll find a pretty girl moth and she'll lay eggs and then you'll have fat green caterpillars in the walnut trees!


minibot_love March 10 2012, 04:55:31 UTC
I've seen luna moths before just never in person. He nearly got stepped on, just suddenly appeared on the floor by me.

Alrighty then - took the top off his box and set it sideways on the balcony for him to get out when he's ready. Hopefully he wasn't just looking for a warm place to die when I found him.

Thankies Wormie <3


femme4jack March 10 2012, 04:41:50 UTC
Luna moths are SO beautiful. Barbara Kingsolver wrote a lovely book that featured them, too :D


lilmissroadrage March 11 2012, 11:12:08 UTC
This makes me think of my old home. ;.; We got all kinds of neat moths, including the lunas, because we had a ginormous security light that would attract them. I caught a bright yellow one, a couple giant ones with the owl eyes, and I was always seeing the Luna moths. ;.; Miss it! :hugs:


minibot_love March 11 2012, 18:33:09 UTC
Awww *huggles Kiku tight* =<


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