Criminal Minds Fic, Call Me

Jul 11, 2011 14:55

Title: Call Me
Author: mingsmommy
Rating: FRAO/NC17
Parings: OFC/Rossi, Prentiss/Rossi
Spoilers: Lauren and in to Season 7
Author's Notes: smacky30 betaed this under extreme stress, when she was desperately tired and horribly over-worked. She is the best and I would be lost without her. I love her to itty bitty bits.
Warning: This story deals with prostitution and ( Read more... )

criminal minds, fanfic

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Comments 38

floatingamoeba July 11 2011, 19:29:54 UTC
I'm just...blown away by this. It's flawless from start to finish, and I think I might need to read it again because it's just that good. Excellent job! :)


mingsmommy July 13 2011, 17:53:01 UTC
Thank you so much. I was worried it wouldn't work but am thrilled you liked it. YAY!


bluerosefairy July 11 2011, 20:12:47 UTC
Oh, this is excellent. I love the way you've depicted Dave in this, and his idealized version of Emily. I like our mysterious call-girl profiler narrator, too. She's very smart and likeable.


Re: mingsmommy July 13 2011, 17:54:28 UTC
Thank you so much. It is always such a thrill to get a comment from you!

I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment and I am grateful for the kind words.


shetiger July 11 2011, 20:32:12 UTC
I can't quite gather my thoughts in a cohesive manner to say what I want to say, but this was impressive and moving and really just perfect. I cried when she discovered the 'truth' about Emily. Just an absolutely lovely OC.


mingsmommy July 13 2011, 17:55:34 UTC
Coming from a writer of your immense talents, I can't imagine a better compliment. Thank you so, so, SO much! I am thrilled you liked it. Just thrilled.


(The comment has been removed)

mingsmommy July 13 2011, 18:01:56 UTC
WOW! What an amazing comment. Thank you so much...I am so glad you liked the story. I was fretting that it might not work. Thank you for the kind words!


theras July 11 2011, 21:14:09 UTC
This is AMAZING. The depiction of both characters through their actions and reactions in the first meeting alone was phenomenal; the conclusion was perfect.


mingsmommy July 14 2011, 02:12:07 UTC
Awww! Thank you so much! I always love your comments. I am so glad you enjoyed it, it means a lot to me.


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