Last Hurrah For Musketry

Nov 07, 2010 23:13

Re-enactment season's over for the year but Rawdons got asked to provide a musket fire display for the Bonfire Night bash at Royal Gunpowder Mills and they duly extended the invitation to various other regiments, including Norfolkes (Rawdons are a pretty good bunch, especially for Royalist scum ;-)). Alas, of the London Norfolkes, I was the only ( Read more... )

ebay, re-enactment

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Comments 5

burntcopper November 8 2010, 10:34:59 UTC
for shame, participating in an event designed to give praise that the king is still alive... (okay, parliament too, but *still*)


mingmerciless November 8 2010, 10:42:22 UTC
James I was at least bright enough not to push the whole Divine Right thing too far and the pro-Catholic government Fawkes & co planned to install after blowing up Parliament didn't sound all that appealling either!

Most important reason for taking part, however: free gunpowder and one last chance this year to play with musket!

Besides, I seem to recall from Twitter you going off to watch fireworks displays...


burntcopper November 8 2010, 10:53:21 UTC
yeah, but I'm not part of a Parliamentarian regiment.


mingmerciless November 8 2010, 18:03:28 UTC
Well, King and Parliament weren't actively engaged in hostilities in 1605. Besides, like I said: free gunpowder! :-)


clare_nce November 9 2010, 13:49:50 UTC
Setting off gunpowder in November is entertaining. I was doing my bit to dispose of that unwanted gunpowder mountain by doing a couple of firework shows over the weekend.


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