Consulting the Oracle - mobile phones

Nov 02, 2010 01:41

Bird entrails etc optional.

My mother's looking for a new phone. Her requirements are broadly as follows:
  • Will be predominantly for basic talk and text
  • She's keen on a touchscreen device
  • Good UI - she's also been exclusively a Nokia user to date
  • Not too complex - she views phones like my N97 or my sister's iPhone as over-sophisticated/complicated
  • Read more... )

mobile, question

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Comments 7

multiclassgeek November 2 2010, 10:07:14 UTC
Find a second-hand T-Mobile G1. Basic Android, decent screen, slide-out keyboard. An old Sidekick would probably work well, too.

The trouble these days is that everything ships with bolted-on IOdine (like HTC Sense) which just overcomplicates things.


burntcopper November 2 2010, 11:33:45 UTC
n5800? fairly easy to use and one of the smaller touchscreens.


mingmerciless November 2 2010, 14:15:54 UTC
Yeah, that one had occurred to me. I take it you're pretty happy with yours?


cynicalcylon November 2 2010, 21:34:22 UTC
I liked mine, before I killed it, but I kill all tech after about a year.
Pretty simple interface, responsive touchscreen. Generally kinda easy to use, especially if already used to Nokias


alexmc November 2 2010, 12:35:49 UTC
I have to ask who is doing her tech support,

... and what country does she live in?


mingmerciless November 2 2010, 14:14:44 UTC
Tech support - that'd most likely be me. She's in Malaysia which can make the whole support issue tricky at times. She's also on a SIM only contract, if that makes a difference...


katana137uk November 2 2010, 14:26:18 UTC
Sony have some nice looking non chunky phones. I was tempted by the Vivaz! Though the other Sony I could've had, the Xperia Mini seemed a bit too small!


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