
Feb 27, 2008 07:23

Back from Melbourne, back at work and just about no longer crashing from jet lag. 11 hours time difference is evil. Cut for length and images:
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booze, military, tourism, wtf, australia, picspam, family, rant

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Comments 4

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mingmerciless February 28 2008, 07:49:58 UTC
Yep, already registered!


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mingmerciless February 29 2008, 11:46:12 UTC
Outstanding - there more the merrier. I assume you know Jamie Bamber's been announced as guest for Serenity: Complete?


rjatsy February 28 2008, 15:59:46 UTC
awww what a cutie. Congrats on becoming an uncle! Is she going to call you kau foo too?


mingmerciless February 28 2008, 17:35:32 UTC
Well, Ling and Mum were referring to me by that title in front of her but she hasn't progressed beyond gurgling and howling yet...


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