Overdue update

May 23, 2007 01:07

Been rather a while since last post but been a bit busy getting new project up and running.

Going to Decalogy after all! )

cons, work, fan, books, films, b5, domestic

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Comments 6

gonzo21 May 23 2007, 00:17:19 UTC
I'm reading Freakonomics right now. It's really very good indeed isn't it.


mingmerciless May 27 2007, 07:38:27 UTC
It is indeed. Levitt's approach to searching for relevant data and questioning correlation versus causality really struck a chord with me because of all the similar (but probably rather less successful and certainly less entertaining) efforts I've had to put in for the financial modelling I've done. Really must start hanging round their blog more!


renagadekaz May 23 2007, 08:13:16 UTC

Yup I had the same reaction to Spidy 3...The audience was laughing when the butler said I loved your father...roll eyes.
I was totally dissapointed with Wing commander movie too. I LOVE WC3 I was my ultimate game! I still have it, but very hard to run off a new XP PC...the sound goes funny and jumps, but the film parts are fine..WAHAHAHA!


mingmerciless May 27 2007, 07:56:11 UTC
Well, see you in Blackpool then ( ... )


renagadekaz May 27 2007, 17:12:50 UTC
Hmm I believe I tried going for both of the females in WC III..Flint which one was that? Rachael was the tech right. OH interesting about Hobbes!! MMmmm I liked Angel in the movie wuff!
Batman Begins was brill, I knew the minute It started on the screen I would like it.


mingmerciless May 27 2007, 17:35:21 UTC
Yeah, Flint was the young pilot, Rachel was your crew chief. Both options are more that a bit iffy, frankly. One of them's under your direct command, the other's an enlisted person. Confed might be different from modern militaries but that's got to be against regs!

The clip about Hobbes reveals that the Hobbes who defected in WCII was an artificially constructed personality. The real one was restored when Trakath spoke a code phrase during a communication. Looking back, you can see Hobbes start, that apparently is when the real Hobbes comes back.

Re: Angel in the movie. Saffron Burrowes was definitely one of the few redeeming features of the film but not even she was enough to save it!

That reminds me, there was a WC animated series too. ISTR grabbing copies of it but never got round to watching it, must try to find them...


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