Great Maker!

Apr 18, 2007 00:29


Quick follow-up for our friends in the UK...I'll be doing a signing at

Forbidden Planet London at 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, at 1:00 p.m. on

Satuday May 12th.  This will be my first signing/appearance in England

since B5 finished its run, about seven years ago.


Am I going? Abso-fragging-lutely, Goddammit!


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Comments 12

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mingmerciless April 18 2007, 00:00:30 UTC
Just dawned on me: the bit in his message where he says B5 finished its run *seven* years ago! Ouch...


psmorrison April 18 2007, 06:52:15 UTC
Actually, isn't it more like eight?

Now, if I go to this, I'll be doing something sci-fi/signing related four weekends in a row. I don't know if the engines can take any more.


mingmerciless April 18 2007, 07:36:41 UTC
That may well be true but it is not any more reassuring ;-)


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mingmerciless April 18 2007, 07:37:16 UTC
Must retrieve my B5 DVDs from one of the guys at fencing and, speaking of DVDs...


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mingmerciless April 18 2007, 08:23:18 UTC
Are you going to DT's Birthday bash?


gaspode April 18 2007, 07:28:08 UTC
But whats he signing ? Or is the new DVD finally coming out ?


mingmerciless April 18 2007, 07:36:15 UTC
He doesn't say but he said in an earlier post that he's in town for other business meetings and was hoping to organise a signing or two. However, some guys at the pub meet were saying that Lost Tales' release is imminent.


multiclassgeek April 18 2007, 08:32:22 UTC
May 12th?

But I'm in the US that day!!

...Right, who's going to volunteer to get my B5 Box Set signed for me? ;)


mingmerciless April 18 2007, 10:03:18 UTC
Depends. It's not one of those every last thing in one gert big ****off box things, is it?


anonymous April 18 2007, 13:10:24 UTC
Excellent, not only on a Saturday, but also on a day I'm expecting to be in London anyway!


cobrabay April 18 2007, 13:24:10 UTC
Arse! Why is LJ not remembering me? That was me above by the way.


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