Another pleasant weekend

Feb 12, 2007 12:04

A potential tricky Saturday eventually resolved itself with no hard decisions required on my part. Two of my options, going to see David Rovics/Attila the Stockbroker/Robb Johnson and meetup at the Shakespeare Head, fell by the wayside due to illness of various parties, leaving me to make a probably unprecedented 3rd LOTNA meeting in a row ( Read more... )

cons, farscape, fan, music, games, films

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Comments 9

chianas_slave February 12 2007, 14:18:20 UTC
'the pub actually had Landlord on tap...'

Would that be Timothy Taylors Landlord ? Fantastic Ale!

'Out of Their Minds' is a great episode, up their with the Roadrunner episode :)


mingmerciless February 12 2007, 15:13:47 UTC
Would that be Timothy Taylors Landlord ? Fantastic Ale!

Yep on both counts!

Think I may have to start rewatching Farscape...


jmswallow February 12 2007, 15:16:35 UTC
there seems to be a clash between an item on the new B7 audios (to be done by jmswallow, no less, and one on the new BSG

I'm expecting you front and centre for moral support, matey. Plus I'll be bringing a trailer for the new show with me for the first 'airing' in the UK...


mingmerciless February 12 2007, 15:39:07 UTC
Don't worry, I was going to be there, even without the trailer, which Colin's mentioned on the Horizon forums. Just moderately peeved about the clash, given the similarities of the issues involved.


birdsflying February 12 2007, 15:35:33 UTC
Are you up to anything before the talk at Treadwells tonight, hrm? I am pondering hiding out in the Shakespeare's head until it's time to brave the rain again.


mingmerciless February 12 2007, 15:37:26 UTC
Not especially (project's in pause mode right now). Happy to meet up for a drink beforehand - what time you expect to get there?


birdsflying February 12 2007, 15:49:40 UTC
well, I can flee work anytime from 5pm and SH is 10 minutes from work, so whenever is easiest for you. I am planning to snag something resembling dinner while I'm there, so earlier, rather than later, I think.


mingmerciless February 12 2007, 16:38:10 UTC
OK. ETA at SH c 1800 or so.


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