Pairing: Yoosu
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Historical (of the inaccurate imaginative variety) and adventure
Summary: Pirate Yoochun finds stowaway Junsu. And sexiness ensues.
Excerpt: Junsu ignored them. His attention was focused on the Captain anyway. The pirate's face was like a mask, showing no feelings, while he wiped the man effortlessly. Fear raced down his spine again. That could so easily be him if he angered the Captain. He had no reason to expect mercy.
Part 1 Junsu woke up tired and with his entire body complaining. The chair was comfortable but not for sleeping. He immediately looked at the Captain and sighed in relief when he noticed the older man was still sleeping.
He took the time to study him. It was strange seeing him sleep so peacefully. Very different from when he was hiding behind the trunks and could clearly hear the man jerking off before going to sleep. He had not resisted his curiosity then and had peaked between the trunks to admire the man’s naked body. One of those nights he had even… Junsu shook his head. Best not to remember that.
The sleeping Captain looked very different. Non-threatening. But yesterday had taught Junsu not to take appearances for granted.
He was surrounded by dangerous men who cared very little or nothing for his well-being. Junsu closed his eyes and pretended to sleep, waiting for the pirate to wake up.
Yoochun inhaled his pillow and sheets. It still smelled like Junsu. To annoy him further, he had woken up with a morning erection.
He looked at the young man sprawled on the chair. Yoochun bit his lips considering. He wanted to relief himself of the annoying erection but he could not bring himself to jerk off knowing Junsu was in the room, no matter how many times the man had already technically been there while he did it.
Making up his mind, Yoochun willed his erection to go away and got up.
“Wake up! Time to get to work.”
Junsu snapped to attention immediately and scrambled to get up. He kept silent and followed Yoochun out the door.
When they entered the galley, the cook looked up to greet the Captain and returned to his task of preparing breakfast.
“António-ssi, toma conta do miúdo. Arranja-lhe tarefas e vigia-o. Não quero saber de sarilhos. (trans: António, take care of the kid. Find him some chores and watch him. I don’t want trouble.)
“Sim, Capitão.”
When Junsu noticed Yoochun was turning to leave, he tried to follow again.
“No, you stay here. Do as he tell you.”
“But… I… Does he speak Korean or Japanese?”
“Not really. He understands enough. But I doubt you’ll need to talk to work here. Eat and then obey him. Don’t go anywhere unless he’s with you.”
Yoochun almost asked the kid how he planned to survive in Macau if he only spoke Korean and Japanese but his legs kept resolutely moving forward and he didn’t look back.
By lunch time, Junsu was almost enjoying his time in the galley. The cook was a kind man with impressive strength and in his presence the other crew members didn’t try to tease him too much. The cook only allowed the crew enough time to eat and then demanded everyone to disappear.
The last ones to lunch were the Korean men. Junsu almost smiled to hear Korean after all the talking in languages he did not understand. He wondered about the Captain. Maybe someone had come to collect his lunch to wherever he was.
Suddenly someone came screaming to call them.
“Jacques fue sorprendido robando!” (trans: Jacques was caught stealing!)
Everyone raced to follow the man back outside and Junsu had no choice but to go with António, having no idea what the commotion was about.
Up on the deck, the heat was oppressing. The entire crew appeared to be clustered around the pole mast. When Junsu squeezed between the three Korean men to stick close to António he was surprised to see a man tied to it.
Changmin smirked at Junsu when he heard him gasp.
“Surprised, Junsu-ah?”
Jaejoong laughed while Yunho kept his attention forward. Junsu tried to ignore them while his eyes continued to betray his bewilderment. Captain Yoochun was whipping the tied man.
Noticing Junsu’s shiver, Yunho decided to take pity on the stowaway.
“Jacques-ah got caught stealing. We suspected someone was trying to steal so the Captain-ssi set a trap. The rules for stealing are quite simple: don’t. Punishment is not worth it. “
“Yes, oh! I can just imagine you were thinking we are brute savages.” - Teased Changmin.
“N-no, I…”
“Don’t worry, Junsu-ah. You are safe with Yoochun-ssi. Or as safe as… Ouch! What was that for, Changmin-ah?”
“Shut up, Jaejoong-ah. You talk too much.”
“I do not, I was only… Oh, I see. You think Yoochun-ssi is going slow.”
“Both of you shut up.” - Ordered Yunho.
Junsu ignored them. His attention was focused on the Captain anyway. The pirate’s face was like a mask, showing no feelings, while he whipped the man effortlessly. Fear raced down his spine again. That could so easily be him if he angered the Captain. He had no reason to expect mercy.
Afterwards, they returned to the galley. Junsu made himself invisible inside the storage room. The soft sounds of conversation reached him. After a while, it was loud enough that he could understand some of it. Because his name had been mentioned he tried to listen.
“…a piece of that derrière. If he hasn’t already.”
“I think Yoochun-ssi is going for seduction. He can still walk. Doubt anything happened yet.”
“Well, we have another night were they’ll be all alone in a room with only one bed.”
The laughter echoed as they returned to their duties while Junsu tried to figure out if the three Korean had been mocking him again or if they didn’t know he could hear them. What exactly were they implying? And what the hell was a "derriére"?
After supper and cleaning all the dishes and any other little task he could think of, Junsu stood fidgeting, dreading the moment António would kick him out of the galley. He had no idea where he should go to sleep and he wanted above else not to be alone with the Captain.
The choice was not his to make. The Captain appeared at the door and signalled him. Junsu tried to breathe as he walked behind the older man, his steps jittery.
“This is your last night on my ship. Tomorrow we dock. Gather whatever is yours and be ready to leave.”
“Y-yes, Captain-nim.”
Yoochun ignored Junsu and was soon asleep. The younger man stayed awake for a long time.
Macau was bustling with activity as usual. Junsu watched with curiosity the different ships, much more diverse than the ones in Nagasaki. The man caught stealing was still tied to the mast but had been allowed to lay down. Part of the crew was already preparing to unload the cargo. Junsu hopped on his feet. His only change of clothes and some food given to him by António was held in a sack over his shoulder. He was scared of leaving the ship and scared of staying.
“Junsu-ah! Help the men unload the cargo!”
“Yes, Captain-nim!”
With a sigh, Junsu found himself with no more to do. The cargo was unloaded, the crew was dispersing through the harbour and he had no idea what to do next.
He caught sight of the Captain and Jaejoong entering a side street. Curious, Junsu followed them.
Yoochun was busy between continuing his conversation with Jaejoong, not getting trampled on by men carrying all sorts of stuff and keeping an eye on Junsu who was obviously following them like a lost puppy. He sighed. He would be glad to get rid of him.
“Oh, look it’s Joana-ah. Joana-ah, querida. Estou de volta. Tiveste saudades minhas?” (trans: Joana, darling. I’m back. Did you miss me?)
“Jaejoong, seu safado!” (trans: Jaejoong, you bastard!)
With a laugh, the Captain ducked into a narrow street to avoid Jaejoong and one of his many angry dalliances. Looking back, he grinned, thinking he had escaped his puppy.
Distracted by Jaejoong trying to avoid being hit by an angry woman shouting what could only be insults, even if he didn’t understood one word, Junsu almost lost Yoochun when he turned abruptly into a side street.
Racing to try and catch up Junsu panicked. He was alone.
He tried several times to find Yoochun. Tried to return to find Jaejoong. Tried to find his way back to the harbour. Overwhelmed, he ended up sitting down and crying. He had no idea where he was.
Inside an upper story shop, Yoochun saw Junsu passing down on the street several times, looking more and more frantic. Determined to be free of taking care of the young man, he continued his business deal.
When he left, Junsu was nowhere in sight. He went to the nearest place to get a drink. The stowaway was young, strong and well mannered. He’d find work for sure.
Two days later, they were still docked. The Captain was negotiating a trip to Goa. It was more profitable and with the added benefit of keeping him away for some time from the daimyo back in Nagasaki.
A rival ship wanted to secure the same trip but he was confident. Despite everyone knowing he was more of a pirate than anything, he still held a somewhat respectable reputation while the other crew would likely simply steal away the cargo.
He navigated the narrow streets anxious to return to his own ship. Darkness had fallen and the temperature as well. It was not safe to be outside in that part of town, especially alone. For one second he wondered what had ever happened to Junsu. Yoochun had asked his crew and no one had seen the young man.
“Look out!”
Junsu barely had time to be surprised before he took off running and screaming.
Yoochun’s reflexes kicked in at the shouted warning and he twisted trying to identify any possible threats, sword drawn.
Five men came out of the shadows, two just behind him. Yoochun was barely able to put his sword up to stop a blow from one of them and had to duck from the second attack. The other three men immediately approached, attacking him in quick succession.
Junsu watched as the Captain did his best to keep the men in his sight. However, it was almost impossible in a five to one fight. Junsu knew it was just a matter of time until Yoochun would be overpowered. That is why, when Yoochun was able to knock one of the attacker’s sword to the floor, Junsu did not hesitate.
If the Captain was surprised to find himself back to back with Junsu, he did not show it. If he was surprised to see that Junsu knew how to fight with a sword, he did not show it.
Together, wordlessly, like they had been fighting as a team for years, the two were able to fight off the five men. Finally, deciding they had lost their opportunity the men ran away, escaping into the night.
Relieved, Junsu let himself fall to the floor, trying to catch his breath and calm his heart.
Suddenly, and unexpectedly, Junsu was pulled from the floor and pushed up against the nearest wall, Yoochun’s sword right at his throat.
Part 3,