FIC: your misfortune and none of my own [SG-1, Cam/Daniel/Vala, NC-17]

May 07, 2007 13:38

Valentine 'verse. Solely an excuse for smut, except it's Cam Mitchell, who can't take his pants off without thinking about it for several hours first, so it's smut plus Cam Mitchell's Issues ( Read more... )

fic:stargate sg-1, fic:stargate sg-1:valentine 'verse

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Comments 30

fatema May 7 2007, 22:46:07 UTC
Meep! This OT3 will do me in, I swear. This was, of course, brilliant. I really love the comfort that Daniel and Vala have with each other and how it's portrayed in the story. It's obvious that they've reached that place where both coexist in this space that's shared and they're ok with it. Which just makes her leaving all the sadder, because things were so comfortable. And the inclusion of Cameron is, of course, just perfect because they never forget about him and Cam is just written so brilliantly. I loved this. Thank you.


minervacat May 8 2007, 10:19:32 UTC
i do wish i could write more about daniel and vala, just for the sake of being able to write that comfort level, because you're right, it is one of the things that breaks my heart about her leaving. (but i still 100% believe that she would leave, no matter what; she's not built to settle down.) i'm so glad you loved this -- thank you. ♥


loozy May 7 2007, 23:00:37 UTC
Heh. Love the diving into Cameron's mind, and the pairing... Very peculiar :D


minervacat May 8 2007, 10:20:03 UTC
thanks so much! :)


gigerisgod May 8 2007, 04:45:44 UTC
I love how you've written this pairing! Love how Mitchell is riding the fence, so beautifully torn about jumping into this situation with Vala and Daniel because he knows it's a point of no return, that it's going to force him to acknowledge his attraction for Jackson. And I love how Vala and Daniel have so deviously set him up, like they're preying on him. Ooh, very sexy! The details are just lovely, especially how Mitchell starts out fully uniformed in his dress blues, still buttoned up to the neck, but thankfully ditches them with his reservations. I needed this story today : )


minervacat May 8 2007, 10:20:42 UTC
i'm so glad you enjoyed this; thanks so much! :)


runpunkrun May 8 2007, 04:49:47 UTC
First, I don't know how you feel about people pointing out typos, but I found a couple (though no unexpected cameos by Crichton!) so I'm just gonna put them here all in one line and we will never speak of it again:

holding a hand out of Cam's keys / it's a noise that means she likes what she says / Cam winks at him, Jackson raised an eyebrow [wrong tense] / she writhes even hard / the feel of Jackson's mouth of Cam's neck

NOW for the good stuff!

You know, I wouldn't expect Cam to stall when it comes to taking off his pants, but I guess it's that whole "being attracted to Jackson AND his alien girlfriend" thing that's throwing him. I like that he's freaked out, but that it feels too good to stop and -- let's be honest -- Cam's probably too polite to run out on a threesome just because he's a little freaked. Now I feel like rereading the one where Vala's gone (or leaving?) and Cam's all protective of Daniel. Mmm.


minervacat May 8 2007, 10:24:53 UTC
i am always in favor of people pointing out my typos, especially the ones involving verb tense, since i tend to run rampant through about six verb tenses when i'm writing a first draft (not unusual: having a sentence with three clauses, all three of which are in different verb tenses, and all three of which should NOT BE in different verb tenses). got 'em all fixed now, thank you for that ( ... )


sparklyfabulous May 8 2007, 13:34:10 UTC
i love this and the whole series, i love how cam isn't really sure about any of this but vala and daniel together are sure enough that it ends up alright anyway.

also, holy crap, i need to learn that it's a bad idea to read your fic when i'm at work. ::blushes::


minervacat May 8 2007, 14:24:11 UTC
asdfjhasdkfjh WHAT AN EMBARRASSING TYPO. is fixed now, thank you for pointing it out, and i am going to delete your other comment so as to erase all evidence that i ever MADE that typo. *facepalm*

my complete shame aside, i'm so glad you enjoy this, even if i made you blush at work. thank you so much.


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