So... for the computer art class, we're technically supposed to be reading something, but at the same time he says that if we can't, it's really okay. That only means it's not required at all
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Archeolgy is a difficult field and corispondingly has a high corseload. Santa Cruz's Archeolgy 101 type class has a HUGE workload because the deparment is awesome and wants pepole to be prepared.
There isn't an archaeology 101... there's an anthropology 101. Archaeology is in Anthropology, but in any case, I'm just taking the intro class. It's not hard, just a lot of work.
I miss you! And I like the things you have to say about school work.
Do you prefer messaging first, or do you prefer to be messaged? On the rare occasion I see you on MSN, it feels awkward to message, in case you are busy. On the other hand, I could try using AIM, but but I actually forgot what my username is...
Michiru is a very smart girl, so I have no doubt she will be able to handle anything that Archaeology 101 throws at her.
I tend to prefer being messaged. I don't really IM people first unless I have something important to show them or to say. There are a few people that IM without any reason, but that doesn't mean to the people who I don't IM are any less important.
Smart has nothing to do with doing actual work! Er, I mean, thanks!
Spring doldrums, lovely. They happen all the time. You can pull through! Only a few more weeks! (<-- My mantra}
I miss you too, but you know where to find me when you want to talk, right? And I know where to find you, so! I'm here for you to unload on if you feel like it.
Oh, yes. Summer... I should be able to play my games, too.
What!? You play games in the summer? When you could be outside? That's just wrong. Why, only last summer, I spent every day walking in the woods, fishing in the pond, horseback riding in the fields... wait, that was Legend of Zelda. Scratch that, I never went outside last summer.
Comments 18
Thank you for the offer, by the way.
Do you prefer messaging first, or do you prefer to be messaged? On the rare occasion I see you on MSN, it feels awkward to message, in case you are busy. On the other hand, I could try using AIM, but but I actually forgot what my username is...
Michiru is a very smart girl, so I have no doubt she will be able to handle anything that Archaeology 101 throws at her.
I tend to prefer being messaged. I don't really IM people first unless I have something important to show them or to say. There are a few people that IM without any reason, but that doesn't mean to the people who I don't IM are any less important.
Smart has nothing to do with doing actual work! Er, I mean, thanks!
I miss you too, but you know where to find me when you want to talk, right? And I know where to find you, so! I'm here for you to unload on if you feel like it.
Also: ♥
A few more weeks?! I've got... two months!
Oh? What if I'm not where I'm supposed to be?
Well...two months is less time than 40 weeks, right? You have less time than at the beginning of the year.
Then you'll just have to find me! I am eternally optimistic.
...sigh, then I can say that I only have 80 more years of my life left! Only 80!!
...I should find you? Oh... how do I do that? :(((!!!
What!? You play games in the summer? When you could be outside? That's just wrong. Why, only last summer, I spent every day walking in the woods, fishing in the pond, horseback riding in the fields... wait, that was Legend of Zelda. Scratch that, I never went outside last summer.
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