Shufti, fully recovered from her vampire experience, is back on Security duty. She's in the main bar, with her badge on display, in case anyone has any more information. In the meantime, trying to think of some sort of trap.
Shufti has discovered that plaster casts are itchy. She's half tempted to scritch down it with something, but the leaflet distinctly states Do Not Stick Things Down Your Cast
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Tonight, Shufti has taken her vampire hunting outside. There's been no new reports that she knows of, but she wonders whether the culprit feeds in bursts, like a python, then bides its time
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Shufti has finished tucking her little ones up back home (pre-Christmas excitement is high in the Manickle-Johnson household tonight) and is back patrolling for the vampire
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Shufti has taken her Security patrol upstairs tonight, and is now moving quietly around the corridors looking for signs of the vampire
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Shufti comes out of the office, and gets a note thrust at her by a rapidly passing doctor. Seeing he is in a hurry, she lets him rush off and unfolds it.