There's been a lot of newbies, Tony can see, so there might be a lot of business tonight! Or there might not--either or, the tide of business ebbs and flows. Tony takes it all in stride.
As usual, the specials are on the board:
Lady GodivaThe Lady in RedLady LIrish Lady And there's a Tony behind the bar. What can he get you?
Comments 155
"Could I just have some tea?"
"Oh, yeah. There's all sorts of tea where I come from."
So needless to say, Jack's belatedly taking a seat at the bar.
"Hey, Tony. Can I get a beer? Oh, and thanks to you and Michelle for the hockey stuff. Can't wait until the lake freezes over and I can actually use it."
Bar provides the beer, as there are so many varieties of beer across the universe that Tony can scarcely know who likes what. "No problem. We were actually thinking of either getting you hockey tickets or putting on a hockey game ourselves, but I figured you could play hockey any time the lake is frozen over so we got you that instead."
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