
Jul 28, 2004 18:50

*Enter a dog. Four paws, german-shepardish, collar. He looks around a bit, then coughs*

Excuse me? Anyone seen a girl? She's got mis-matched eyes, and usually butterflies. Or mice. Or something.

*He sounds a mite aggravated*

snow white, desire, methos, del, death, matthew the raven

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Comments 125

last1out July 28 2004, 18:51:59 UTC
Oh, hi, Barnabas. She was here just a little bit ago. Said something about Arkham.


dels_dog July 28 2004, 18:54:04 UTC
Hi, Death. Arkham. Again?

*his ears go back and he looks at his paws like they hurt*

Your sister is a pain, you know. Did she at least leave a note? Ice cream? A cat?


last1out July 28 2004, 18:56:43 UTC
Again. What's she doing there, anyway?

She left half a glass of mango juice and a half-eaten purple plastic flower.


dels_dog July 28 2004, 19:01:09 UTC
I meant for me.

*he licks his chops*

Why do you go where people are dying? Its her job. I guess the guys there need more of her special touch?


fairest1 July 28 2004, 19:08:13 UTC
*Snow walks by after her argument with Jamee, freezes when her peripheral vision registers 'large canine', looks again, blinks, and decides to talk with him anyway*

Hello. You remind me of a . . . friend of mine.


dels_dog July 28 2004, 19:10:03 UTC
*he looks up at her*

I do? Was your friend also a Shepard? I'm Barnabas.


fairest1 July 28 2004, 19:12:24 UTC
A wolf, actually . . . I just miss him so much I started seeing things. I'm Snow White. Can I get you something?


dels_dog July 28 2004, 19:14:47 UTC
Wolf, huh?

*he ponders that for a while*

That's cool. A bowl of water would be nice. And if you could keep an eye open for Del, that'd be nice too. Being this short doesn't help.


silver_flecks July 28 2004, 20:07:36 UTC
*returns from Arkham, twirling about, before spotting him* BaRnAbAs! *tackles with a hug, giggling* I fOuNd mY dOgGiE aGAiN!


dels_dog July 28 2004, 20:10:26 UTC

*he licks her face*

You ran off! Don't do that!


silver_flecks July 28 2004, 20:12:06 UTC
*giggles and pets him* BuT wHaT dId I rUn oFf oF? AnD, AnD, i ThOuGhT yOu WeRe tHeRe, BuT yOu WeRen'T. BuT I tHoUgHt yOu WeRe...WhErE wErE yOu?


dels_dog July 28 2004, 20:13:57 UTC
I was where you left me. Which was not here. I've been trying to find you. You ran off as in away from me to somewhere else.



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