
Oct 23, 2011 21:45

[OOM: Jack should know that nothing good can come of ignoring his instincts.]

The door opens, and Jack stands blinking blearily on the other side. A patron that looks over is likely to look twice, considering the state of him.

His shirt is soaked through and his wet hair is plastered against his head, but that’s likely to be the least noticeable ( Read more... )

jack bauer, raylan givens, carl benton, oom, guppy sandhu, sameth

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Comments 127

makesthings October 24 2011, 01:47:55 UTC
It's been a while since Sameth's seen Jack but he hasn't forgotten him.

When Jack walks through, Sam's at his side with an arm under him, "Come sit down. What happened and how can I help?"


trigger_man October 24 2011, 01:55:37 UTC
Jack flinches for a moment as Sameth touches him, accompanied by the sharp tug of strained muscles and bruised skin. It's only for a moment, though, until Jack realizes just who's standing next to him.

"Had some trouble at a job I was doing," Jack says, his voice tight. "I just need some ice and to get upstairs and lie down for a while."

This is nothing he hasn't dealt with before, after all.


makesthings October 24 2011, 01:57:18 UTC
"If you sit down, I can take care of the worst of that for you. If you trust me to,"

As they're talking, Sam tries to get Jack into a chair.


trigger_man October 24 2011, 02:17:22 UTC
Jack's first instinct is to resist, to keep heading toward the stairs. Fortunately for Sameth, movement is making Jack's head swim, and he settles into the chair as it's preferable to ending up on the floor of the bar.

"What do you mean, take care of it?"


itwasjustified October 24 2011, 01:55:18 UTC
Raylan's crossing the room, cold beer in hand.

Seeing Jack, he deposits his bottle on a passing wait-rat's tray, and approaches Jack from the side. That swelling is ugly, and likely to be even uglier by morning.

"Jack," he says, frowning.


one_man_army October 24 2011, 02:01:49 UTC
Out of habit, Carl tends to sit where he can see the front door from his chair -- it's a wise idea in a place where anything can (and does) happen on a frequent basis.

But it's not the sight of his friend coming in the bar that catches his attention; with his back turned, his only indicator that something might be amiss is the sound of the Marshal's voice filtering through the background conversation.


He turns around in his seat and then he sees what Raylan is looking at, and instantly Carl is up and moving towards the doorway.


trigger_man October 24 2011, 02:08:45 UTC
Jack turns his head quickly--too quickly, the bar continuing to move even when Jack stops--toward Raylan's voice.

"Raylan," Jack says, holding on to the back of a chair to keep himself upright. "It's been a kind of rough day."


itwasjustified October 24 2011, 02:15:14 UTC
Raylan takes another step closer, pulling out a spare chair for Jack along the way.

"You keep those understatements coming, and while you're at it, have a seat for just a minute."


guppy_sandhu October 24 2011, 20:47:46 UTC
Guppy glances up from where he's sitting. He's seen Jack around before now, in passing, but never got around to actually talking to him.

He's got a bit of a spidey sense for blood though, so as Jack passes behind him, he turns around.

"Do you want any help with that? I'm a doctor."


trigger_man October 25 2011, 03:22:15 UTC
Jack tenses as the man next to him turns toward him, and doesn't relax when the man identifies himself as a doctor. He might know that it's unlikely that any doctor in Milliways will hurt him, but instinct makes him look at Guppy a little suspiciously.

"It's nothing major; nothing I haven't dealt with before."

He knows the former isn't exactly true, considering the nausea and dizziness he's been feeling since the blow to his head. He's not about to say that though.


guppy_sandhu October 25 2011, 20:30:13 UTC
"There's no charge if that's what's worrying you." Guppy says.


trigger_man October 26 2011, 03:35:35 UTC
Jack hesitates for a moment, then shakes his head.

"Not really a fan of hospitals," he says, finally. It's something of an understatement, but he's not about to explain why to a total stranger.


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