
Jun 16, 2011 22:06

Barbara doesn't play a lot of games. She's a busy woman. But every so often she'll play something as long as it's conveniently nearby. And she's good at it.

So this evening she's playing pool.

By herself at the moment, though she doesn't look like she'll object to someone coming and getting their butt kicked. Because Babs is good at pool. ( Read more... )

claudia donovan, quatre raberba winner, nikita, barbara gordon

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divisionrogue June 17 2011, 02:10:37 UTC
Nikita's back for a little while; developments with Michael and the black box are going about as expected, but she's restless.

Killing time in a no-time-zone might chill her out. "Care for a game?"


divisionrogue June 17 2011, 03:10:11 UTC
"Good, and just interesting, I think. Too soon to say much else. He's very civilized," Nikita notes. It's a quality she likes.

She leans back on one heel, studying Barbara's technique, committing it to memory.


twiceahero June 17 2011, 03:16:31 UTC
Babs inhales, holding her breath for a moment. Then she slides the cue forward, smoothly banking a shot to sink her ball.

"Civilized is nice," Babs chuckles, propping the cue across her lap and rolling around the table. "I can appreciate that."


divisionrogue June 17 2011, 03:19:05 UTC
Nikita tilts her head, examining the angles, then shaking her head as she realizes that Barbara's set up her next shot already. "It is. He's from about a century in my future-- I never thought to ask, I just assumed; are you from the 21st Century?" She was assuming America from the accent, but that could be a mistake too.


twiceahero June 17 2011, 03:24:04 UTC
Barbara nods as she comes to a stop in front of her shot. "Early 21st, yeah. Gotham City." She once again lines up the cue and gently bumps her target into the corner pocket again.


divisionrogue June 17 2011, 03:36:27 UTC
"Never heard of it," Nikita says idly, then leans very close to the table, tilting her head whimsically to stare back at Barbara from the other side of the ball she's aiming at.


twiceahero June 17 2011, 03:39:22 UTC
"It's something of a toss-up whether or not people have," Babs shrugs very slightly before settling in to aim her shot again. "It's a big city, so if you've got one you know, but... not everyone does."

She slowly exhales again and takes a third shot that's virtually identical to her first two: a slow, careful bank shot that bumps her target perfectly.

Except this time she hits it just a bit too softly and her intended target rolls to a stop about an inch from the pocket.

"Table's yours," she sighs, pushing herself back.


divisionrogue June 17 2011, 03:41:00 UTC
"About time," Nikita gently teases, and then stops a moment to consider her next two shots, and the one that might happen after that. She wanders around to measure distances with her cue. "New York City, Washington D.C., Los Angeles all sound familiar to you? What makes one place have a city, and not another, I wonder."


twiceahero June 17 2011, 03:44:24 UTC
"We have all three of them," Barbara agrees. "Gotham's in New Jersey, between New York and Philly."

"As for why things exist in one place and not another?" Another shrug. Then she picks up her mug of coffee and takes a sip. "Hard to say, really. Why do certain people exist in one place and not another."

Nikita isn't in any of the databases Babs has back home, for instance.


divisionrogue June 17 2011, 03:50:59 UTC
"Hmmm." Nikita no longer has Birkhoff on retainer to check any deeper databases, but a quick search had turned up several Barbara Gordons, but none that were this one.

Dismissing that, she carefully lines up her shot and says, "Tarik's military, as I understand it. Does he recruit much from the bar? Or hire?" She shoots, and sinks another ball, but is left with only two far on the other side when it caroms off the bumper in the wrong direction. "Yours."


twiceahero June 17 2011, 03:55:59 UTC
Babs ignores the ball she almost sank last time. That's an easy shot, and it's blocking Nikita from using that pocket unless she's willing to take the shot for her.

Instead she takes a long shot to put a ball in the side pocket.

"I don't know him very well," Babs admits. "But most people here recognize how useful the people here in the bar can be.


divisionrogue June 17 2011, 04:07:06 UTC
"Good. I could use the work." An unsubtle hint, but sometimes direct was best. "And nice shot. You're going to win this if I can't throw you off."


twiceahero June 17 2011, 04:10:53 UTC
That draws a tiny smirk from Babs. "I usually do."

She has a one ball lead, so she picks her next shot carefully. And misses. Once again leaving a ball a mere inch from the pocket.

"Your table. And I did warn you."


divisionrogue June 17 2011, 04:17:20 UTC
The problem now was, Barbara was now blocking two pockets and had that lead. Nikita gives her a mock-glare. "You did. Just not enough." She sighs, and takes a breath. A long-shot, but she can at least pull even if she makes this one... She pulls back her arm, sights, and shoots. Closer closer closer, bounce and -- yes. Nikita beams, then grimaces again. She takes her next shot just to leave the cue ball in a corner that's difficult for Barbara to shoot from. "There."


twiceahero June 17 2011, 04:21:07 UTC
Barbara chuckles.

"Hey, look on the bright side. You could take me in the 100 meter freestyle."


divisionrogue June 17 2011, 04:30:10 UTC
Nikita's raised eyebrow is one of amusement, but also consideration; Barbara clearly doesn't have any problems dealing with her disability. Chalking her stick again, Nikita watches her move around the table, and asks, "How long has that been the case?"


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