
Feb 26, 2011 22:37

Trowa's visit to Quatre's home is about halfway through. It's been a good week. (And, thanks to spending several of Quatre's workdays hanging out at the local university, Trowa now has much more detailed mental notes on how to successfully pass as a college student. Yes, low-stakes infiltration practice is Trowa's idea of a vacation ( Read more... )

catherine bloom, x-23, cassandra cain, buffy summers, helen haras-uquara, epimetheus, jamie hamilton, trowa barton

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cutting_edgex23 February 27 2011, 03:51:29 UTC
X follows him.

She may also be using this as an opportunity to practice passing unnoticed through a crowd.

Though she is careful to spend a moment or two in Trowa's peripheral vision first.

It is only considerate.


cutting_edgex23 February 27 2011, 05:42:20 UTC
X considers this for a moment, then tilts her chin in that direction ever-so-slightly.

She will join him in a few moments.

The floor is a little more her bailiwick.

That and the walls.


3nanashi February 27 2011, 05:49:15 UTC
Sounds good.

Trowa will probably observe her on the walls, if this is applicable. It's always good to expand your repertoire of ideas, and to have a better idea of what people are capable of.

He likes tightrope, though. It's not his favorite -- too staid for that, compared to trapeze -- but it has its own challenges.


cutting_edgex23 February 27 2011, 05:51:53 UTC
X eventually makes her way to the tightrope.

She has been practicing. At home.

It shows.

(She is still not as good as Trowa. It is not a surprise.)


3nanashi February 27 2011, 06:02:35 UTC
It does show.

Trowa's approval is silent, and unsurprised.


cutting_edgex23 February 27 2011, 06:05:14 UTC
X does not smile in return.

But she seems pleased, regardless.


3nanashi February 27 2011, 06:13:09 UTC
They can spend quite a while on the tightrope.

And, in fact, do.

Go figure.


cutting_edgex23 February 27 2011, 06:14:30 UTC
The world trembles in shock.

But now it is time to rehydrate.

And replenish electrolytes.

Even X finds this sensible.


3nanashi February 27 2011, 06:24:51 UTC
Trowa slips out to change first.

Only partly because his workout clothes are sweaty now.

Then: time for water!

Time for the future equivalent of Gatorade before that, though. For electrolytes.


cutting_edgex23 February 27 2011, 06:28:53 UTC
X slips upstairs for a very quick shower.

It was about time for one of those.

She will meet Trowa in the bar, damp-haired and in a new pair of track pants, once she is done.


3nanashi February 27 2011, 06:36:17 UTC
Trowa considers that option, but decides to shower when he goes home.

It won't be too long. And home (well, Quatre's home) is better equipped with things like soap than the Milliways gym.

So, he'll go ahead and pick out a table.

One with two chairs that have a good view of the room. Coincidentally, of course.


cutting_edgex23 February 27 2011, 06:38:03 UTC
X does not take a moment to appreciate his consideration. She does make use of the second chair, however.

That is probably appreciation enough.


3nanashi February 27 2011, 06:44:07 UTC
Well. It's basic manners.

Among a certain subset of the population, anyway.

He has another drink of Gatorade. It's like a greeting! Or something.


cutting_edgex23 February 27 2011, 06:47:39 UTC
X will share the Gatorade-of-the-future if Trowa provided more than one bottle.

If not, she will order her own from a passing waitrat. Regular water is for later.


3nanashi February 27 2011, 06:50:39 UTC
He did.

If she hadn't wanted it, hey, the stuff keeps well. Or can be returned unopened. Whichever.

But: moot point.

mmm, the taste of electrolytes and halfhearted artificial flavoring.


cutting_edgex23 February 27 2011, 06:56:13 UTC
X does not make a face at the taste.

It is not relevant.



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