It's not often one gets to see Mel outside near the training grounds these days: why train in bar when you can go out into your city and steal stuff and beat up lurks without them claiming toy about rules?
But here's the thing: Mel has a lot of pent up anger to exorcise right now, and in ways that just plain old vampire ridden Versi isn't cutting it
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Andrew's staring.
Of course he sees Slayer-style fighting all the time, so quite possibly it's the tree he's staring at.
In a tree.
She stops after a minute and drops to the ground.
"Hey, Andy."
He looks younger. Or has he got old? It's weird.
" spled?"
That tree is fighting back.
"Greetings, Melaka Fray," he first says, calmly.
Mel was up in the branches, delegating defence to her feet so her hands can get on with the attack. At the sound of her name, she backflips out, in order to land and have a decent conversation.
"How goes?"
"I would have a try at that, also. Which parts need pruning?"
"The violent bits."
Because even with all the chaos of the current case going on right now, sometimes she still needs to clear her head - maybe moreso now than ever.
She stops for a breather and a few swigs from her water bottle when she overhears the sound of punches being thrown and goes to investigate.
"... whoa."
"Yeah, that's what I said. Hang on..."
She'll come down for a conversation when she finds a break.
"What kind of tree is that?"
"I dunno my trees. A willow? I just call it 'that bastard thing outside'."
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