
Jan 11, 2011 17:37

Bill had another meeting with Kimbrell today. Lately it seems he sees more of that man than anybody else ( Read more... )

kate warner, william evans, kate beckett, daniel jackson, bill pardy

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justdidntseeit January 12 2011, 02:27:57 UTC
Late-afternoon sunlight is filtering through the windows by the time Kate unbuckles her tool-belt. After treating herself to a much-deserved shower in the guest bathroom, she heads into town to run a couple of errands.

When she walks into Milliways, a brown paper bag in one hand and Bill's truck keys in the other, she's more than a little surprised to spot the sheriff himself.

She approaches his table, a teasing smile curving her lips.

"Hey, stranger."


justdidntseeit January 12 2011, 23:35:31 UTC
"Seems like a great guy," she says, flipping shut the cell. It closes with a soft click, and she leaves it on the tabletop between them.

The sweet smell of ripe peach fills her nose; glancing up, she refocuses on Bill.

"He called it a thank you."


wheelsy_sheriff January 12 2011, 23:57:23 UTC
He takes another bite on her words, his jaw tightening.

"Thank you for what?"


justdidntseeit January 13 2011, 00:38:44 UTC
Something she can't quite identify in Bill's voice almost gives her pause. He hasn't said all that much about Deputy Bradley, and while she's been curious, she hasn't wanted to push.

"For being so welcoming," she says, her eyes on his. "He said you've gone above and beyond to help him make the transition."


wheelsy_sheriff January 13 2011, 00:57:35 UTC
That makes him stop, and he lowers the peach.

"He said that?"


justdidntseeit January 13 2011, 02:34:00 UTC
Lightly teasing: "Don't sound so surprised, sweetheart."


wheelsy_sheriff January 13 2011, 02:43:05 UTC
He is suprised. Beyond the paperwork end of things Bill hasn't done much at all to help Bradley settle in. He's left most of it to Dave and Rudy.

Pulling his soda close again, he tilts his head at her.

"What else did he say?"


justdidntseeit January 13 2011, 03:00:37 UTC
"That he's glad to be with your department, and he hopes he can help make a difference," she says, slowly, studying Bill.

"Did everything go okay today with your meeting?"


wheelsy_sheriff January 13 2011, 03:39:42 UTC
Bill takes a drink and mulls that over.

Bradley told Dave something similiar when he first showed up, and it's obvious the new deputy has made an impression on Kate.

Letting go of Bradley for now, he turns to her question.

"It was alright. Less bitchin' than usual, at least." He gives her a half smile, then takes another bite of peach. "He said the council feels better with another body in the department, an' we're 'makin' a good public presence'."

Bill shifts his voice to mock Kimbrell, then offers Kate a bite from the peach.

"An' then he gave me the phone. 'Said it's about time I moved into the next century."


justdidntseeit January 13 2011, 03:51:20 UTC
Almost certain Bill is displacing frustration by focusing so intently on Deputy Bradley, Kate's relieved to hear this instead. Having braced for bad news - or, at least, the less-good variety - she relaxes by fractions.

She plucks the peach from his sticky fingers, breathing a chuckle.

"Like I said," she says, amusement lighting her eyes as she glances at the cell, "he's not wrong."


wheelsy_sheriff January 13 2011, 04:15:06 UTC
Her teasing breaks the mood from everything, and he relaxes too, into the moment, and shoots her a Look.

"You're takin' his side?"

Shaking his head, he heaves a sigh.

"My own girlfriend... I want my peach back."


justdidntseeit January 13 2011, 15:56:24 UTC
She takes a delicate bite of the sweet, near-perfect fruit before surrendering it.

As she swallows, her expression softens.

"Really, today went pretty well?"


wheelsy_sheriff January 13 2011, 18:18:04 UTC
"It went alright."

There's still a lot to do, Kimbrell is still on his back, and Bill is still bugged by Bradley, and bothered by the man showing up at his house.

"I won't be home late tonight, at least. An' I might even feel up to goin' with you in the mornin'."

As Kate's threatened promised in the past, she's been getting him up a couple times a week to join her excercising. She of course slows the pace, and Bill's actually been enjoying the early morning walks with her.


justdidntseeit January 13 2011, 20:49:28 UTC
A slow, warm smile steals across her lips; she loves every morning he forsakes the snooze button to share a sunrise with her.

"You might be dragging me out of bed tomorrow," she says with a light laugh. She rolls one shoulder, stretching out the telltale stiffness lurking behind the blade. "I've been working on the bathroom all day."


wheelsy_sheriff January 13 2011, 21:08:15 UTC
His eyes flick to her shoulder, and concern touches the smile and teasing he gives her.

"Not overdoin' it, are you?"

He still doesn't feel quite right about her project, though he hasn't said anything against it.

He knows it gives her something to do, and she's enjoying the work, but it's a tough job and he can't help worrying some and feeling like he should be helping with it.


justdidntseeit January 13 2011, 23:58:59 UTC
The look on her face is equal parts loving and exasperated.

"I promised I wouldn't."

She leans forward, resting one elbow on the table.

"And I'm not, sheriff."


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