(no subject)

Oct 28, 2010 20:22

In the beginning, Castiel had quietly delighted in being in the center of things in Milliways. In the middle of the floor. In the way. In the thick of the action.

Now, since his mission into Hell and subsequent detour into Milliways, he has found himself staying on the fringes of things - the mountain, the lake, the baseball diamond, the garage.

Tonight it is the rafters above the bar. Castiel is taking no real pains to stay unseen - his back rests against an upright beam, and his legs and the hem of his coat hang carelessly down on either side of the rafter. His arms are crossed across his stomach and he looks almost as though he is asleep.

Of course, angels don’t sleep. And Castiel is keeping a keen eye on what passes below.

[Brain is a bit fried, so tags may be slow. But they will come.]

castiel, michael the archangel, meg ford

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