
May 07, 2010 20:51

Shufti is on duty in the main bar, her badge clearly visible.

She's also trying out an interesting purple drink the bar gave her. And discreetly sewing name labels onto a small school shirt under the table; but don't take that to mean she's any less aware of her surroundings.

shufti, fiona glenanne

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justcallmefee May 7 2010, 21:06:41 UTC
Fiona wasn't planning on coming back to the Bar just yet, but when a Door appeared in the ladies' room at the hospital, she took.

She does stop by the restroom to freshen up. She has blood all over the front of her shirt still, caked and dried brown stains where she held him while he changed.

Her first thought is to go take a shower, but then she sees the woman from Security, and another wave of rage, white hot and intent, sears through her.

"You're Security, right?"


justcallmefee May 7 2010, 23:38:03 UTC
"Again, too many to count. I can tell you, it'd have to be someone strong enough to take him in a fight. And ruthless enough to threaten something like -- that. As for him coming to see you about this? Don't count on it."

"Listen, don't think I don't appreciate your help. I do. I know he's never going to win any popularity contests around here, but this? No one deserves this, I don't care who they are."

Her tone hardens at the last bit.


vs_nuggan May 8 2010, 13:45:09 UTC
"Nobody deserves that, no." Shufti agrees. "That's why we have to catch this guy. For someone to attack Ramon he'd have to be big, powerful or stupid. But that's not a lot to go on around here. Do you know where this went down at least?"

Shaking her head slightly. "It's not going to be easy to bring this person to justice without Ramon's statement. I'm Shufti, if you want to tell him to find me personally I promise to be sensitive."


justcallmefee May 8 2010, 23:21:05 UTC
"You really don't understand, do you? I'm not telling you so we can get 'justice'." She hits the word with a sharp dose of sarcasm, the implication being that if it's justice she wants, she has her own way of finding it.

"I'm telling you this so you can know that you have a sexual predator in the bar. And if your people can't take care of it, I will."

"Thanks again, Shufti. If it gets out that Ramon was almost assaulted, I'll know who to come talk to again."


vs_nuggan May 8 2010, 23:31:45 UTC
"Hey!" Shufti's tone is deadly serious now. "We can take care of it. But if you give us virtually no information, it will take time. If you find out who it was, then tell us.

If you withold that information and go vigilante, you'll be doing time along with him.

As for releasing information, as I said, the rest of Security will be informed. I strongly doubt any of them will be leaking the details. In the unlikely event that they do, I shall personally assist you in making a complaint to the highest authority."


justcallmefee May 8 2010, 23:45:25 UTC
Fiona gives a dry little laugh, standing to leave for good this time.

"You -- 'strongly doubt'. Well, that's reassuring. As for complaining to the highest authority, well... I'm sure that'll make sure all future victims feel oh so much more willing to come forward with the details of their personal tragedies."

She gives Shufti a sweet and utterly plastic smile. "Thanks again, officer. If I hear anything more, I'll be sure to let you know."

She walks away without looking back.


vs_nuggan May 8 2010, 23:51:34 UTC
Shufti watches her go, thinking for a little while. Fiona's demands that Security know a sexual predator is on the loose require her to tell the rest of Security, and she can only rely on her colleagues to be professional. Was there ever any way to satisfy the woman?

She doesn't brood too long, but gets to work.


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