Apr 09, 2010 09:14
A demon walks into the bar (as the story goes), asks the Bar(tender) for a drink, and gets one to match his snazzy red and green fabulousness. This is a very good thing.
But what happens next?
((Edit: Sleepy mun means slowtimes apply. Feel free to tag in, just don't expect me to tag until tomorrow night (GMT+1).))
ava wilson,
buffy summers
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Comments 122
Illyria: being a jerk to the locals since 2004!
It's...not so much Illyria being Illyria as it is some ancient being of evil wearing Fred's face. See, that sort of thing just isn't cool.
He lifts his head, suddenly tired eyes looking his old comrade-of-sorts-in-arms over. "Resolved? Nah. Bottled up and locked up tight in my inner wine cellar for proper ageing? A-yup."
It's rumored that she's grown a sense of humor at some point. This may or may not be evidence in support of said rumor. In any case, she's neither approving nor disapproving.
Yes, says the proverbial devil on his shoulder. Alcohol is always the answer. Why not spread the love?
She has, however, been briefed on the main species of Nova Pylea, and so Lorne gets a double-take of surprised recognition.
She doesn't remember any of the Nova Pyleans being so ... um ... fashion forward.
Surprisingly enough, the double-take seems somewhat universal.
"...hello to you too, cutie pie."
He's not calling her a cow. Why is he not calling her a cow?
(Well, a weird number of universes have humanoids who look like her-- maybe it's a coincidence! There could be zillions or red-and-green-demon universes out there, for all she knows.)
Then she giggles.
"Uh. Hi! Sorry, was I staring? I'm sorry."
It's...almost heartwarming. Which is why he smiles slightly, giving the doll a slight shrug. "Just a smidge."
It is, for the record, not the kind of blink that says, Oh my pearl-clutching Jesus, a green horned thing!, but the kind of blink that says, How long did it take to coordinate that outfit?
(Okay, and it's also the kind of blink that says: Well, this is an awkward time to have a handful of holy water. It's a very eloquent eye movement.)
It is a very eloquent eye movement, but as such, a touch difficult to read correctly.
She probably shouldn't ask him if it's easy being green.
She really wants to.
"Just as a cautionary FYI, though, the water's blessed. So don't think I'm rude if I don't shake your hand."
He clears his throat, eyes flitting this way and back again. He can't believe he just said that.
"I...actually don't know if that's a problem." Huh. Never came up, he supposes. "But let's not find out."
"Hi, Lorne," she says, bounding over, waving and smiling.
"Oh, look at you, sweetie! I swear, you're getting bigger every time I see you!"
The blues are officially vanquished. Huzzah!
She gives him a great big hug back. Lorne hugs are awesome.
"How have you been? It's been so very long since I saw you."
"I'm good. I've been...through some really rough times, but I'm better now." About the worst thing you can do to kids? Lying to them.
However, this doesn't mean you leave in gruesome details.
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