Having had a successful
Pi Day last year, the familiar smell of sweet, delicious, warm pie is once again wafting through the bar's space.
The Pie-maker has been busily preparing for this day to celebrate 1) nerdiness and 2)
pie - and you're welcome to join him if you want.
Just ask the Pie-man for a slice of that apple, or maybe blueberry, peach, or pear - there's a wide selection to suit nearly everyone's taste. (But note: you won't find any meat in these pies.)
All proceeds from this event will go to the Bar's many charities.
[ooc: Bar-mod/Mod-approved! I'll leave this open for a couple days, and we'll work out the millitime kinks.
Feel free to threadhop into other threads as well. It's a party for pie!
ETA: aaand the mun has now lost pretty much all brain function. Slowtimes on existing threads - please and thank you!]