She nods, "Back in June. He's hibernating, like Joe is. I'm waiting for them to wake again. Should be, you're the newest Security member, right? Has...anything come more about the vampire?"
"He was gibbering on the floor before Guppy," Teja says, "as he is scared of Guppy's child, and loses his mind upon seeing him. We could not leave him there."
"And I spoke to Melaka Fray; we shall keep him at least a month, and pretend to keep him indefinitely, until he speaks to Malcolm, and perhaps even tells us who paid him."
Boromir is definitely not a woman, and probably not someone who Teja was expecting to see, but nonetheless there he is, bowing his head in greeting when he recognizes the Ostrogoth.
"Greetings, Teja son of Tagila. It has been some time."
"It has." There is one of those infrequent smiles on Boromir's face, the kind that makes him look a little less grim, a little less burdened. The way he could have been if things had turned out different at Amon Hen. It's good to see Teja again, this man from another world who almost feels like a kinsman to him.
"I have been focused more... Inwards than is usual for me. I suppose it might have been the melancholy of Winter. But now I feel the need to be a part of..." There is a brief pause, and an almost amused arching of his eyebrows.
Comments 134
She sees Teja, and raises an eyebrow in acknowledgment, not quite smiling.
Coffee aquired, and she's joining him.
"Office works for me. You good?"
"Yes," he says. "One may never know who waits behind the back of a couch."
He takes a mug of tea, and one of coffee, from the bar, though.
Coreen is curled up not too far away from the harp. It's very pleasant.
"Hello Teja," she says.
"Teja." She nods in greeting.
"I don't have news, I'm afraid, but I see you've made an arrest." she says quietly.
"And I spoke to Melaka Fray; we shall keep him at least a month, and pretend to keep him indefinitely, until he speaks to Malcolm, and perhaps even tells us who paid him."
"Greetings, Teja son of Tagila. It has been some time."
"I have been focused more... Inwards than is usual for me. I suppose it might have been the melancholy of Winter. But now I feel the need to be a part of..." There is a brief pause, and an almost amused arching of his eyebrows.
"Life, so to speak."
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