(no subject)

Jan 18, 2010 23:27

Ever since Jack got back from visiting Beckett's New York--to find that more time had passed in the bar than in her world, not that that really made much difference to him--he hasn't been spending much time in the bar itself.  New York had been sensory overload everywhere he looked, and while he'd been able to bottle up his reaction to it most of the time, but on getting back to the bar he's needed the space and quiet that his room and the grounds offer.

He's had enough practice keeping his mind occupied without any outside stimulus that doing so hasn't resulted in a bad case of cabin fever, either.  Particularly with the books and the television in his room, though he hasn't really been able to concentrate on much; finding that he'd been staring at a page for minutes on end without absorbing any of the words, or that half a movie's gone by and he has no idea what's been going on.

Tonight, though, he needed to get out into the open air for a bit, and he figured he might as well go for a run, try and work up an appetite before heading into the bar and getting something to eat.  Besides, maybe the cold would help clear his head.

[ooc: Am still flailing mightily at canon, but canon also made me want to get Jack in the bar.  Open forever, though not sure how late I'll be on, as it's been a looong day.]

kate warner, jack bauer, kate beckett, kate barlow

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