(no subject)

Dec 24, 2009 20:21

Guppy comes in briefly on Christmas eve, to check that his poster is still up. Finding it buried under some other notices, he pins it back on the top.

Life Support Christmas, Hannukah, Hogswatch, Insert-Your-Holiday-Here Party

25th December, Main Bar

All are welcome! Free lunch and drinks, followed by usual-style Life Support session (no obligation to come to this if you just want lunch!).

- Life Support Team*

That done, he takes his bag over to the tree to leave gifts.

Atton, Sam and Will get a paintball gun each, with plenty of refils, and a note clarifying that these are not real weapons.

Amanda, Zhaan, Penny, Ginny and the two Kates get some home made scented candles. Amanda's is slightly banana-shaped.

For Coreen, Joe, Remy, Lisa, Bob, Dot, Mia and Draco there are some boxes of fancy coffee, in order to give a little boost to these tired parents.

For Evan, Rachel, Mairi and Expected Baby Malfoy-Ausa are little hand-knitted cardigans and mittens.

For Doc, Mike, Gus, Charlie, Teja, Connor and Enzo there are some wooly winter hats, filled with chocolate coins.

Mike's also contains a second hat-shaped thing, for the baby when it's born.

That done, he lingers to look around for any more sick people. But if there aren't any, he'll go home and come back tomorrow for the party.*

[*Open for threading indefinitely!]

guppy sandhu

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