Someone is used to all manner of people, although he usually finds them in the Underside. Since he wasn't born yesterday, though, he's more than adept at recognizing a challenging person.
This might be one of them. Still, life isn't worth living and living and living without a little excitement, and isn't that why he's here tonight?
He thinks so. Sidling up next to her, his frockcoat and sleeves as pristine as they get, he nods.
"Good evening." So much can be good about it, even though the night's story remains to be written.
"My dear lady." The grin remains on his face, but there might just be something a tiny bit icy about it. "If I were flirting with you, there would be no attempting." The thought draws a hearty laugh from him. Since the last time he actually deigned to flirt, he's been dead or nearly so more than once. It takes a while for the libido to steady after an experience like that.
He's got time.
"De Carabas." Not quite at her service: there would have to be an agreement first.
Duck has cheerfully blocked whatever confusing things may have happened last time she met Miss Pam out of her memory. Miss Pam is definitely nice! She can tell! (Duck is the best judge of character.)
Comments 14
This might be one of them. Still, life isn't worth living and living and living without a little excitement, and isn't that why he's here tonight?
He thinks so. Sidling up next to her, his frockcoat and sleeves as pristine as they get, he nods.
"Good evening." So much can be good about it, even though the night's story remains to be written.
"How adorable," in her always vaguely interested monotone. "You are attempting to flirt with me."
He's got time.
"De Carabas." Not quite at her service: there would have to be an agreement first.
Pam turns. And raises an eyebrow at this ensemble. "Fascinating."
"I am Pam," with a bow of her head. It might be a sign of respect in vampire world.
"Are you a lost dancing boy?"
Duck has cheerfully blocked whatever confusing things may have happened last time she met Miss Pam out of her memory. Miss Pam is definitely nice! She can tell! (Duck is the best judge of character.)
What was its name again? Yes, yes, the servant girl with the maybe removed third leg.
"Yes. You. You are not cleaning the floors this evening?"
"Cause I haven't made any mess! Well, not yet, anyway . . ."
Duck looks abruptly nervous. With Duck, mess is only a matter of time.
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