Doc's Wake

Dec 04, 2009 15:57

On the beach a bonfire is burning, there's still light in the sky so its not at its fullest yet. Beside it cords of wood and driftwood are ready to be tossed on so it can go higher ( Read more... )

guppy sandhu, kate warner, teja, sallie reynolds, medusa, nathan petrelli, agent 99, jack bauer, doc scurlock, captain kirk, kate beckett, sariel rager, kate barlow, bill pardy, will scarlett, ben wade, fiona glenanne, saffron, ramon salazar, kate bishop

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Fireworks and Music will_scarlett December 4 2009, 23:52:15 UTC
When the sun has long set and the fire is burning high, Will pulls out a box of fireworks.

He's slightly wobbly as he lights them off but there are more than enough for everyone to have one.

As he sets a few off he's singing, not fully clear what he's singing but join him in music and explosions.


ikissdhimbck December 6 2009, 06:01:55 UTC
"But all three have served Doc, in the years that you've known each other," she says, knowing that Doc and Teja have fought alongside one another in Sherwood, that Doc was hoping to learn to make shoes in the forge, and now in this moment he plays to soothe Doc's soul.

(Or maybe it's the souls of those still living that need the soothing.)


ostro_goth December 6 2009, 13:36:13 UTC
"Indeed," Teja says. "And I have spoken with him about his world and his plans; and I know he had ten years to cross to reach you in the world you shared, and he would do that gladly for your sake."


ikissdhimbck December 6 2009, 18:16:43 UTC
She hesitates, brow furrowing lightly.

"What do you mean?"


ostro_goth December 6 2009, 18:26:04 UTC
"I mean," Teja says, "that he would undertake a labour, for your sake, like that of the heroes of old tales, when a man serves many years to gain the woman he loves."


ikissdhimbck December 6 2009, 18:57:19 UTC
"Ten years?"

A distant memory of an old conversation floats back to her mind.

'Y'gonna come back or am I gonna have t'go out and find y'gain in ten years?'

"Oh, Doc," she sighs, her eyes slipping shut.

'What are you gonna do for ten years, all by yourself, huh?'

She shakes her head, a sad little smile on her face.

"I didn't realize he'd told others 'bout that."


ostro_goth December 6 2009, 19:05:03 UTC
"I know not if he told any others but me," Teja says. "I am one that will not shy away from speaking of such dark, stark things. I come from a world of honour and grim choices, not unlike yours."


ikissdhimbck December 6 2009, 19:10:29 UTC
She nods somberly.

"Heaven knows I gave him a lot t'be grim over."


ostro_goth December 6 2009, 19:13:26 UTC
"If it knows that," Teja says, "then it will also know that he knew you to be worth it."


ikissdhimbck December 6 2009, 19:19:37 UTC
She squeezes her eyes shut, a wry smile pulling at her mouth.

''Cuz a truly noteworthy woman like yourself, Miss Katherine? Is worth layin' down your life for.'

I'll never understand that.

'Don't gotta understand it. Just have to accept it.'

"So I've heard," she murmurs with a dry laugh. "I'm not so sure I agree, but I wish I'd respected his wishes more when he was still with me."


ostro_goth December 6 2009, 19:31:11 UTC
"We often wish that, when one we love has died," Teja says. "If only we could have -- I felt much like it, when my dearest friend, Totila, fell in battle. If only I had made him listen to my warnings!"


"In the end, such thoughts come to naught; what has happened, happened, and we must work from there."


ikissdhimbck December 6 2009, 19:48:10 UTC
She nods, and there's a bit more strength in the motion.

"What's happened, happened," she agrees quietly. "What's important is makin' sure their memory lives on. Rememberin' him for all his good qualities an' deeds."


ostro_goth December 6 2009, 19:51:02 UTC
"Indeed," Teja says. "That is why we are here, tonight, after all."

Pause, while he picks up his guitar again.

"Shall we sing another song in his memory?"


ikissdhimbck December 6 2009, 19:58:52 UTC

She smiles softly, glancing at the flower still in her hands before moving closer and proffering it to Teja.

"I'd like that."


ostro_goth December 6 2009, 20:09:28 UTC
Teja takes it, and puts it on the guitar; then, he thinks for a moment and starts to play another Irish song, this one called The Minstrel Boy.


Re: Fireworks and Music guppy_sandhu December 5 2009, 00:14:51 UTC
Guppy, now somewhat intoxicated, picks up a firework and tries to light it.

Possibly this is not a sensible idea, given he has not yet planned where to put it once it's lit.


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