(no subject)

Aug 28, 2009 02:00

They may appear next to your coffee when you order breakfast. They may be wedged in the pages of your book. They may flutter from the rafters into your lap. You may only see one of them. You may see half a dozen. You may not see any of them at all.

But all the same, a

If you would know a lady fell and vile,
with naught but bitter cruelty in her breast,
then, gentle friends, come lend your ears awhile;
I'll whisper such advice as serves you best.
Her name is Blodwen Rowlands-- though she may,
upon occasion, go by other names;
she has returned for yet another stay
in our dear Bar, with undiscovered aims.
Her hair is brown, her eyes indifferent blue,
her scent the cloying sweet of herb and flow'r;
and furthermore, you'll find that this is true:
she has returned with some uncommon pow'r.
I should not go too near: her very breath
shall make you feel you're at the door of Death.


There once was a lady from Wales,
whose affairs sparked the worst sorts of tales:
she's back in the bar,
not defeated by far;
I suggest we ensure that she fails.

I warn you, Blodwen Rowlands has returned.
Returned with dreadful powers, dank and foul.
It seems her lessons all were poorly learned.

This very night, I speedily discerned
the worst to fear is surely not her scowl.
I warn you, Blodwen Rowlands has returned.

She once was crushed by houses; still she yearned
to have revenge; she came back on the prowl--
It seems her lessons all were poorly learned.

She cursed me with a pain that heaved and burned
without a word, just breath-- and yes: I howled.
I warn you, Blodwen Rowlands has returned.

I do advise you all to be concerned
(despite her unbecoming blood-red cowl).
It seems her lessons all were poorly learned.

Hell hath no fury like our Blodwen spurned--
just ask dear Nick, if he'll do aught but yowl.
I warn you, Blodwen Rowlands has returned;
it seems her lessons all were poorly learned.

happen to be

Despite her efforts,
I must note of dear Blodwen:
red's not her color.

[ooc: Sorry, Aspen.]

note, puck

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