After a cool, wet summer in D.C., Booth is wildly unprepared for the sudden 90 degree days they're having. It's hot, he doesn't want to move, let alone run
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Will's not been exactly avoiding the Bar just not looking for it as much so he enters from the Front Door after another fight and nods to Booth as he orders a lot of food himself. Bar also provides a first aid kit for his newest cuts,
Booth grins and nods, wiping an arm across his face. "It's part of my job to keep in shape," he admits. "Fat FBI agents do exist, but most of them are desk jockeys. I'd like to stay out in the field for a few more years."
"FBI? Sounds exciting." Guppy grins. "Back home we've got this television advert campaign going, trying to get people fit by having smaller portions and walking a bit further."
Comments 46
"Day, sir, been a while."
In between eating, Will's cleaning up the smaller cuts on his face, the fight today wasn't that bad just long.
He eyes the cuts. "You're all right, then?"
"Have you been going around the lake?"
"You're a doctor, right? Working in public health?"
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