
Aug 12, 2009 11:30

"Bar," says Ray as he walks in, "I really hate doing this, but the library at the Firehouse is more than a little bit specialized and I'm currently persona non grata at the New York Public Library's main branch. By any chance could you recommend a book on negotiation for me, and possibly a really good biography of Andrew Jackson? Specifically the ( Read more... )

river song, ray stantz

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riversinger August 12 2009, 20:05:01 UTC
"How does one become persona non grata at a library, anyway?" River grins and waves at Ray from the far side of the bar.


riversinger August 12 2009, 21:26:23 UTC
"Or flesh, I'd imagine." River's cheeks flush for a moment. "Yes that could be terribly awkward. But all's well that ends well, I take it? Unless that grounded PKE is what's responsible for your restless history going out for a stroll?"


gone_byebye August 12 2009, 21:33:08 UTC
"Well, that incident was ultimately what wound up leading to Ecto becoming half Cybertronian," Ray says. "But no, the source of the problem was von Stabbington himself. He was arrested on a number of charges, mostly involving desecrating a corpse and trespassing and terroristic threats. When he got out of prison on parole he had a serious mad-on for revenge, since his one attempt to do anything arcane from behind prison walls ran afoul of the fact that he tried to summon the greatest enemy of the Ghostbusters and said enemy's soul is currently our legal property. Not on purpose," he hastily adds. "A lawyer from the firm of Wolfram and Hart showed up some time ago with a quitclaim deed for Walter Peck's soul, signed by every demonic entity with any possible interest in said item.... anyway. Von Stabbington wanted revenge, but you need money to get revenge plans properly laid out."


riversinger August 12 2009, 22:11:45 UTC
River blinks rapidly. Information dump from Ray often makes River blink rapidly. It's one of the things she adores about him.

"Let me guess. Your currency bears the portraits of these unseasonably spry gentlemen."


gone_byebye August 12 2009, 22:17:07 UTC
"Got it in one," Ray says. "Ulysses Grant, the fifty dollar bill. Alexander Hamilton, the ten. George Washington, the one- von Stabbington only skipped the two, with Jefferson's portrait, and the hundred thousand, with Salmon P. Chase's portrait, because he couldn't get his hands on a sample of either."


riversinger August 12 2009, 22:21:28 UTC
River's smirk turns into a chuckle, and eventually, a full blown guffaw.

"Oh Ray, oh my stars and garters, he didn't!? I mean, I've had to raise funding of my own, but that's a little extreme, even for me!"


gone_byebye August 12 2009, 22:23:37 UTC
"Eeeyep. What was supposed to be a prosperity spell inadvertently raised several zombie Presidents, a couple of zombie Founding Fathers- and one exceptionally potent case, that of the gentleman on the twenty, which is the single most commonly used paper money on my Earth," Ray says. "Andrew Jackson actually got his mind as well as his body raised, and now he's mad."


riversinger August 13 2009, 16:32:26 UTC
"Well you can hardly blame him now, can you? I mean, here you are, resting peacefully in the hereafter when you get yanked back to do a fundraiser for some overblown social misfit with no sense of decorum."

"I confess, I think I'd be a bit put out myself."


gone_byebye August 13 2009, 16:39:17 UTC
"This is true," Ray says. "On the other hand, Mr. Jackson's apparently taken control of the other zombies away from Von Stabbington- he's got the bills that were being used as the templates for the spell- and he's holding the man hostage until he gets what he wants. Which we're unclear on ourselves, since von Stabbington got a very short phone call out to the police before Jackson ordered the others to tear up his phone lines."


riversinger August 13 2009, 16:47:30 UTC
Again, River blinks, trying to parse all that information. She shifts in her chair to face him.

"So you're going to go in and negotiate said misfit's release. With zombies."


gone_byebye August 13 2009, 16:52:34 UTC
"Something along those lines," Ray says. "If nothing else, we'd like to send the dead back to where they belong. Ivan's release is sort of secondary."


riversinger August 13 2009, 17:00:03 UTC
River ponders this. "Is it possible that's what part of his demands might be?"


gone_byebye August 13 2009, 17:06:35 UTC
"Possibly. von Stabbington wasn't exactly a man to whom fear meant very much," Ray says. "He might be unwilling to send back the zombies simply out of sheer cussedness. I'm hoping to find something to back the possibility up in the Jackson biography."


riversinger August 13 2009, 17:20:41 UTC
"Well, I wish you all the luck. You seem to have a knack for sorting this kind of thing out. The New York Public Library should be grateful to have you around."


gone_byebye August 13 2009, 17:24:00 UTC
"Generally they are," Ray says. "Just not when the periodical section gets completely soaked."


riversinger August 13 2009, 17:31:15 UTC
River cringes. "Yes well. Perhaps they'd be best relocating the more vulnerable collections to a some place less.. volatile."

"So while you have a few minutes of down time, let me buy us a round. Bar, get this gentleman something refreshing. He looks like he could use it. Zombie statesmen. Really Ray, you've outdone yourself."


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