Drunk bunnies!

Aug 01, 2009 10:34

Mother Nature is in an odd mood, today. Thinking of taking the animals of the forest a treat, she can be seen leaving a veritable feast of fruits and vegetables at the edge of the tress. Once done, she moves a small distance away and stretches out on the grass to watch and see how they react to twenty pounds of various fermented fruit. After all, it IS a bar, why should the humans have all the fun?

She laughs softly as a demon bunny hops into view and begins nibbling. This should be interesting!

No real animals were harmed in the making of this post, nor is any offense meant to anyone who opposes drunken demon bunnies. For crack purposes only. Mun does not endorse getting real animals drunk.

pan, momiji sohma, mother nature, x5-493 ben

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