Multipup post

Jul 14, 2009 20:38

On such a fine morning as this, there is always a number of people outside, happily doing outdoors things. Among them are today:

  • one purple god of magic, wearing a green gardening apron, and weeding between the roses in the garden by the back door of the bar

  • one tarot card, smoking a large cigar while leaning on a fence near the horse stables, ( Read more... )

donovan reece, teja, tower, yrael, asar-suti, mia ausa

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Comments 144

mogget_cat July 14 2009, 18:52:10 UTC
One not'cat is approaching the edge of the lake, possibly near the swan king's rock, eyeing the pale surfer in the sunshine.

"He's insane," he concludes, shaking his head. But he already knew this.

He holds it true for any who willingly go into the water.


born_to_it July 14 2009, 19:09:56 UTC
Donovan turns his head.

"Insane?" he says. "Who -- the surfer? That's just a surfer. One of the most ordinary things I've seen here. It's not a glowing woman dancing over the water, or anything."


mogget_cat July 14 2009, 19:12:49 UTC
"A dead surfer in the Caribbean part of a Scottish lake on an asteroid right before the end of the entire universe isn't weird where you come from?" The cat-eyed albino shakes his head, smirking.

"Better over the water than in it, I'd say." That's the insane part.


born_to_it July 14 2009, 19:27:22 UTC
"He looks pretty alive to me," Donovan says, looking at the man. An albino were-leopard, perhaps, with those eyes?

"Look -- he's moving! And now he fell into the water, flailing. I don't think a corpse would do that. Not even a well animated zombie."


"And who says it's a Scottish lake? I was suspecting I was in Vermont, Maine, or upstate New York, when I first arrived. Granted, that's not exactly close to the Caribbean, either, and the surfers at the Maine coast mostly wear neoprene, not shorts and a piercing."


gorgonfondness July 14 2009, 19:38:03 UTC
Mia doesn't get to see horses often, so, on her way to a minor practice outside, she goes to stop and have a look.

It was that or watch Teja surf, but it's been considerably longer since she's seen anyone surf and it would have been difficult to pelt him with questions. Perhaps she'll go swimming later and see him.

But for now, she smiles at Tower and says, "This time, you really will have to put out your cigar if I stay long. I'll even give you a fire flower so you can relight it after I leave."


destroy_restart July 14 2009, 19:43:54 UTC
"Congratulations!" Tower says, smiling into her eyes.

The cigar is already put out, as if had never been lit. He puts it in his pocket.


gorgonfondness July 14 2009, 19:48:56 UTC
She'll still make the fire flower for him, whether he needs it or not. It's pretty and she needs to stay in practice. It's why she's outside in the first place.

"Thank you," she replies, her smile downright beaming. "We're all very excited at home, though sometimes that's both excitement and nausea for me. It's been messing with my magic, however, an unforeseen symptom. It's almost like I'm a teenager again."

Her hands are together as she pulls and shapes the tongues of flame in her fingers, whispering as she works.

"I have to talk to my magic a lot more with my voice."


destroy_restart July 14 2009, 19:52:03 UTC
"Changes," Tower says. "They will affect the whole system. If you want to know more, ask the purple gardener over there, he loves blathering on theoretically about magic, and he never goes blue in the face, either, as he's naturally purple, always, so."


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