
Jul 03, 2009 15:26

Somewhere out there, just at the edge of the most delicately tuned sensors' perception, there are signals being traded that Ironhide can't quite read. Some of them are Autobot signals, he's sure of that. Some of them are Decepticon ones, of that he's even more sure. The fact is that he can't read any of them. It's like spending a week with someone ( Read more... )

rad, ironhide, deerskin, fiona glenanne, fakir

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Comments 104

lissla_lissar July 3 2009, 19:52:20 UTC
Eventually Lissar exits the bar with a bucket of some microbrew or another and a Thermos of lemonade. She finds her favorite seat and settles in to watch. It's Ironhide's bad moods, but it's one of her best sources of entertainment.


not_toothfairy July 3 2009, 19:54:58 UTC
After the first several rocks have been turned to lumpy, bubbly glass- plasma cannons can be tuned to get some really interesting effects- Ironhide turns to glance over his shoulder while his guns cool. "Lissar," he acknowledges. "Just get here?"


lissla_lissar July 3 2009, 19:55:59 UTC
"While you were piling." she admits cheerfully, "But I felt that you did need some relaxation before turning yourself to speech. I am pleased to merely watch."


not_toothfairy July 3 2009, 20:18:17 UTC
Ironhide grunts, nods. "All right," he says. "Makes sense."

He's going to take some more time shooting before he talks again; his guns've cooled down enough for safety at the moment.

(He won't admit it, but he'll feel a lot better as soon as he can empty them at something worth fighting. It's been too long.)


action_rad July 3 2009, 20:32:04 UTC
And Rad has come to know Ironhide just well enough to know that when the bigger mech is like this, it's best to stand well back of him and wait for him to decide if and when Rad's presence will be acknowledged and conversation will begin.

The explosions are impressive, but he doesn't want to do anything to make Ironhide want to add him to that pile of boulders there.


not_toothfairy July 3 2009, 20:34:49 UTC
Probably just as well. Ironhide's good, but he's known to make use of 'oops' at times when he probably shouldn't.

Anyway, once he's got a good-sized heap of sparkling fused silica, he drops both arms. The guns have to cool off eventually, after all.


action_rad July 3 2009, 20:45:21 UTC
From the looks of what Ironhide's made, it appears that he's got a certain knack for creating abstract sculptures.

Good luck getting that one into a museum, though. Only thing Rad can think of that would be able to lift that is a combined-into-its-larger-form gestalt.

Milliways doesn't have any of those.

Then again, considering all the different worlds people can come here from, that might not even be necessary.


not_toothfairy July 3 2009, 20:47:32 UTC
"Afternoon, Rad," says Ironhide, when he finally turns around to scan behind him. "Didn't notice you there for a moment."


justcallmefee July 3 2009, 21:04:03 UTC
Fiona was on her way to the blast crater for a little R&R herself when she hears the FATHOOOOOOOM of the massive bot's plasma cannons, followed by the more precise chatter of his laser guns.

The hairs are standing up on her arms by the time she crests the rise. "I think I'm in love."

She drops the green canvas bag from her shoulder and hits the ground with a weighty thud, iron rattling against iron within its confines. Taking off the vintage army cap, she twists her hair up again before pulling it back down over her eyes.

"Is this an invitation only party? Or can anyone play along?"


not_toothfairy July 3 2009, 21:06:39 UTC
"It's a public range," Ironhide answers as his guns go into temporary cooling mode. "Stay out of the splash damage zone. What're you shooting?"


justcallmefee July 3 2009, 21:11:34 UTC
"Fantastic. But I'm not shooting," she answers, bending over to unzip the bag. Inside are a double dozen or more twelve inch long cylinders made from galvanized pipe, capped at each end, with a bit of fuse sticking out the end.

"I'm throwing." She hefts one in each hand, grinning down at her own handiwork.


not_toothfairy July 3 2009, 21:18:02 UTC
Had Ironhide eyebrows, he'd be raising them both clear into his nonexistent hairline. He doesn't, though, so all that comes out is a low whistle, and "Nice work. Okay, go ahead. I'd like to see this."


fairytaleknight July 4 2009, 02:48:21 UTC
Fakir's familiar with this philosophy. He's spent most of the afternoon running through sword routines at the other side of the lake from Ironside, but the practice hasn't done much to help his mood. (Fakir, too, is always grumpy.)

It's time, Fakir decides as he cleans and sheathes his practice sword, to go for a run. Maybe he'll encounter one of those demon rabbits. At least, by now, Fakir knows enough swordwork to defend himself from a bloodthirsty bunny. Fakir hopes so, anyway.

When he reaches Ironhide's side of the lake, Fakir stops. He pushes sweat-drenched hair out of his face and stares at Ironhide. (Fakir's slight, wiry, and barely 165 cm tall. Staring at Ironhide and the circle of wreckage he's producing involves staring up.)


not_toothfairy July 4 2009, 02:54:15 UTC
Ironhide has a combat mode that lets him fire for extended periods without overheating his guns, but he's not using that today. Not a good idea to rely on that, just in case he forgets to turn it on. Right now, he's pausing mid-practice to let the laser cannon cool; in the process, he notices the human. "Afternoon," he says, expression... well, look at that face and tell us honestly what it's conveying. Doesn't work so good, with Ironhide.


fairytaleknight July 4 2009, 03:04:46 UTC
All right, so the ground-destroying creature's not a monster. That is, it's not the kind of monster who doesn't know how to talk. The monster raven talks, in all the stories, and when Fakir met the raven (well, actually, Raven, but Fakir doesn't know there's a difference), he talked too. So Fakir can't let down his guard, especially since the... creature? automaton? ... has noticed him.

Unfortunately, Fakir doesn't even politely greet people he's pretty sure are human. What he says -- and what he would say to anyone, of any height and species, he found causing explosions -- is, "What are you doing?"


not_toothfairy July 4 2009, 03:08:42 UTC
"Target practice," says Ironhide, who is not particularly impressed by any edge or temper in an organic's voice. Any organic. "Easier here than at home, right now."


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