It's been quite a while since a certain Man in Black came strolling in through the Door. But he has to pause for a second to finish his phone call first
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Ya see one man in a black suit, ya seen 'em all. Unless your name is Cryptosporidium, that is. He's seen Majestic agents, KGB, M16, Her Majesty's Secret Service, and more. Furthermore, he had actually seen MiB here before. So, that being said, Crypto-142 walked up by K and decided to ask him some things, just things that hit him while he was thinking.
"Hey, you guys go policing aliens who act up on Earth, right? I mean, in YOUR dimension?"
K gives the alien a look, then has to remind himself this guy isn't one of the Grays from the MiB's dimension. Otherwise, K might already be preparing a smackdown.
Instead, he turns on his bar seat and says, "Got it in one, Slick. Our dimension, and others if we're running some kind of joint operation."
Crypto wouldn't know one of the Grays if one hit him in the face. Should he read Dreamcatcher? Even still, he never saw MiB in his dimension. Hopefully, nobody from his world tries to get their attention...
"Thought occurred to the aliens have to police the monkey-boys if they screw up on their planet?"
"Well, bishops, as a rule, aren't too pleased with people who try to spontaneously mate with them in the middle of an interplanetary diplomatic summit."
"Probably would've thrown off the agenda just a little."
Coreen Fennel knows a nice suit when she sees one. She should, since she makes them. And she hasn't seen Ray-Bans like those in a really long time. Some sort of agent, she suspects.
So, an extremely pregnant woman wanders up to the Bar next to him, and orders a slushie.
Comments 73
K points. "That bottle of Eli Lockhart, up there on the top shelf."
"'ow much were ye wantin'?"
"How's the universe been treating you?"
"Hey, you guys go policing aliens who act up on Earth, right? I mean, in YOUR dimension?"
Instead, he turns on his bar seat and says, "Got it in one, Slick. Our dimension, and others if we're running some kind of joint operation."
"Thought occurred to the aliens have to police the monkey-boys if they screw up on their planet?"
Except the girl is green, and not human, and she isn't touching the straw cover.
Bored padawan is bored. Her door is taking longer than usual to re-appear.
"Probably would've thrown off the agenda just a little."
"It would be... a sort of diplomacy?"
"That and other parts."
So, an extremely pregnant woman wanders up to the Bar next to him, and orders a slushie.
"Evening, Agent. Not going according to plan?"
He puts out a hand and smiles. "Agent K. From Earth, 2009."
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