(no subject)

Jun 19, 2009 22:43

There seems to be something about forge gods and women, thinks Weyland as he returns to the bar. Some inability to connect--if the creative force is associated with women, but made more masculine by the nature of forgework, it may simply not be possible to unite it in that way. Or maybe it's a more practical matter--great art is not made by happy artists, and no man can give himself as fully as he needs to the forge if he has a wife wanting his attention. The forge is a demanding mistress--but at least, he is certain, he is better off than Ilmarinen, who took no for an answer where Weyland does not.

Ilmarinen was also not a serial kidnapper, but arguably, he did not live as long either, did not have as much time to be so bored with the world.

In any event, one mildly bored and highly botherable Norse demigod at the bar.

[tinytags: weyland][open until it falls off the page]

the devil (bedazzled), ginny weasley

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