
May 31, 2009 11:44

Jason is in the Bar today. He still had a pair of soft knit shorts stashed in the rocks outside, but no shirt. He doesn't really care, though. He'd just pulled them on without a second thought and trudged into the Bar ( Read more... )

ruin, ramon salazar, elizabeth, jason schuyler

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licensed_pro May 31 2009, 18:58:41 UTC
"We need to talk."

That's all Charlie says to him, though there's quite a bit more he's thinking upon seeing Jason looking the way he does.


licensed_pro June 3 2009, 04:22:30 UTC
Charlie sighs very lightly. This is nothing like he's ever had to deal with, but it's Jason. He can't simply walk away from this one.

"And what happened happened. I can't say it's alright, but don't make yourself sick over it. Do you need me to get you something?"


loyaltyinmotion June 3 2009, 07:39:16 UTC
"No, thanks," he mumbles softly into his hands. "I'm already sick over it. Sick of the whole fucking mess."


licensed_pro June 3 2009, 07:45:55 UTC
"I know," he says, brushing Jason's hair off his forehead idly. "Tell me the whole story, and I'll do what I can."


loyaltyinmotion June 3 2009, 07:55:00 UTC
Jason chews his lower lip, suddenly wishing his hair were longer again so it would mask him a bit.

"I...I freaked out. Am freaking out. I didn't expect her to..."

He stops with a breath, trying to sift through his swirling thoughts. "I love Khem, Charlie. I love her. I can't...I don't want to be unfaithful again. She waited for me for a year and half last time, and I swore I wouldn't lose faith again."

His face screws up slightly in his hands, and he wipes at his eyes. "It's been only a few months and...this happens."


licensed_pro June 3 2009, 08:05:59 UTC
"I know. It just happens, and there's no preparing for it, or fighting it, trust me." Charlie knows this feeling, intimately. "I don't think Khem is coming back, Jason...It's just not there. I don't want to make you worse by telling you that, but you're pining for her and Moon both, and only one of them is here."

He gently took Jason's chin in one hand, lifting it up to talk to him better. "Moon loves you, as much as you love her. And it will be rocky, but...can you imagine living without her?"


loyaltyinmotion June 3 2009, 08:12:06 UTC
"Teja thought the same thing about Asher, Charlie. This place fucks with you. I can justify letting off some steam, but actually feeling something?" He shakes his head, "I can't do it. She wouldn't understand."

He meets his eyes and there's a flash of panic, but it's quickly overridden. "I'm not looking for a relationship, alright? Of course we're attracted to each other: she's the fucking Moon! She calls me every month and I give in to her. That's how it works. Love doesn't factor in there."


licensed_pro June 3 2009, 08:19:24 UTC
"Yes, yes it does. I thought Teja was just a cute guy I could tumble in bed with if I got him loosened up enough. You can see how that ended up, and as far as Asher goes...I don't know what to say that will make you see where I'm coming from."

He shakes his head slowly. "I'm sorry this had to happen. But for once in my life I've got someone who's mine and I'm not giving that up. I've had enough of having to let go for someone else. Shouldn't you feel the same way with Moon?"


loyaltyinmotion June 3 2009, 08:30:03 UTC
"Why? Because of what I am? Yeah, I like her. Sex is great with her." Had been. "Doesn't mean I'm fucking in love with her."

He pushes back irritably. "I'm glad it works for you, but don't make assumptions about me. You guys are great, wonderful; but meanwhile Asher's fucked. That's what I'm talking about: Asher might be able to take it, but Khem would only blame herself."


licensed_pro June 3 2009, 08:42:36 UTC
Charlie sits back on his heels with a serious expression. "No, because you're in love with her whether or not she's the Moon and you're a werewolf. Don't be an idiot, Jason, and don't hurt her. Khem isn't coming back, and you know it as well as I do. Don't let Moon slip out of your hands because you didn't want to face it."

He swivels on his feet and rises, heading away. He wants just to be with Teja, if just for a little while.


loyaltyinmotion June 3 2009, 08:44:31 UTC
His face contorts angrily as Charlie turns to leave, and he kicks a chair over before dropping his head back in his hands.

He hates being wrong, especially when he won't admit it to himself.


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