
May 24, 2009 15:52

When Tifa stumbles across a few six-packs of familiar purple-and-red cans very clearly labeled Hero Drink in one of the fridges tucked away in the kitchen, she grins, grabs one, and takes it to her usual spot behind the bar before her shift starts.

On the board, she writes:

Happy Hour Specials ( Read more... )

tifa lockhart, bartending, howl pendragon

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Comments 24

wizard_howell May 24 2009, 21:26:33 UTC
"Now." Sitting with a flourish (because he does everything with a flourish) and a brush of long trailing sleeves, one wizard fresh from Ingary (the only one in the bar at the moment, in fact) leans forward fetchingly (because he is entirely fetching) and lays his palm on the bar's surface.

"You've got my curiosity. What's a 5am Gaia Sunrise? It's simply begging to be tried."

Today his hair is so blond it's practically white, and he's dressed in the most stunning red velveteen suit with lace sleeves, and as always, he wears a dazzling smile. Despite his complaints, playing at being Royal Wizard suits him so very well.


antishinra May 24 2009, 21:43:09 UTC
He's a totally unfamiliar face -- although very well-dressed! -- but that doesn't stop her from giving him her biggest grin.

"It's a drink from my home planet. Fill a glass with ice, pour in some gin and--" Here she picks up one of the Hero Drink cans and places it on top of the bar for his examination. "--a little bit of this. Add a little grenadine, and there you go: 5am Gaia Sunrise."

She taps the can with one finger. "These are popular on Gaia for giving you a little physical and magical boost when you need it."


wizard_howell May 24 2009, 21:49:39 UTC
A physical and magical boost?

"You've certainly got my attention, my dear lady." Most of the ingredients in the can are, upon examination, unfamiliar to him but apparently so is her home planet. How different would the magic be? What kind of boost would it provide? There's an excellent way to find out.

Gently, he hands the can back to her. "Sold; I'll have one. And where are my manners? Royal Wizard Howl Pendragon, at your service while not in service to the King of Ingary." He manages to give off the impression of standing to bow even though he hasn't left his seat. "And who might the lovely lady behind the bar be? We've not met before, but that's something I'm only too glad to remedy today."

When he gets home, Sophie will kill him. It's a risk well worth taking.


antishinra May 24 2009, 22:02:07 UTC
She laughs; he's already one of the most charming patrons she's served here. With Christian, the writer she once met, it all seemed very sincere and impulsive. With Howl, it seems an effortlessly learned skill, much like the way she naturally holds herself after so long training under Zangan.

"It's nice to meet you, Howl Pendragon. I'm Tifa Lockhart." Grinning brightly, she pops the top of the Hero Drink and reaches for a clean glass, which she promptly fills with ice, but she still manages to sounds suitably impressed when she goes on: "You're a Royal Wizard?"

And she is impressed. She has no idea where Ingary is, but it's not one of the place names she's come to associate with Earth.

"Ingary isn't on Earth, is it?"


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