"Hm, Hello?" Ben has a natural urge to rush over and help, BUT he is also very much against being shot... so he keeps a distance, hands where the armed woman can see, not approaching more.
Maybe the fact that he is wearing scrubs will help in the long run.
"I am Leonardo, and you are not where you were. Catch your breath, ma'am. Who ever you were involved with moments ago will not be following you through the door." All very neutral and helpful.
"Oh," she says, sinking into a crouch and looking around. She's still holding onto the gun, but doesn't look like she's planning to shoot it at the moment.
"So either I am under the influence of psychotropic drugs, or I hit my head hard."
No matter how peaceful Milliways may be, some reflexes never really go away. The sound of gunfire has Makita up and out of her usual booth and kicking over a table to take cover behind before she even realizes what set her into motion.
Then the door closes, and there's no bullets, so she peaks up over the edge of the table, pistol ready just in case.
Reflexes are wonderful things, aren't they? They're the only reason this woman didn't drop her gun during what was apparently a good fall. She's scraped and bruised, and now streaked with dirt.
She scrabbles on the floor for the set of car keys, then stares at the walls of Milliways, speechless.
At this point, Annja has graduated to a table. "I...I'm not entirely sure. I don't think I need more than an aspirin. And one drink was probably enough."
Considering she still isn't sure about the hallucination bit.
Comments 94
Maybe the fact that he is wearing scrubs will help in the long run.
"Who-" she coughs and tries again. "Who are you?"
"You are hurt."
Or perhaps very concussed.
Very neutral and from a direction not the door, Leo asks, "Are you all right, ma'am?"
Annja makes it to elbows and knees to cough some breath back into her body.
"I- who are you? Where is this?"
"I am Leonardo, and you are not where you were. Catch your breath, ma'am. Who ever you were involved with moments ago will not be following you through the door." All very neutral and helpful.
"So either I am under the influence of psychotropic drugs, or I hit my head hard."
Then the door closes, and there's no bullets, so she peaks up over the edge of the table, pistol ready just in case.
She scrabbles on the floor for the set of car keys, then stares at the walls of Milliways, speechless.
What? Sometimes people don't find unknown voices telling them not to shoot very reassuring.
She cuts herself off and pauses. She is possibly hallucinating and has no cover.
"I won't shoot if you won't."
"Medic, or stiff drink?" She asks, solicitously.
See? The pyro can be polite.
Considering she still isn't sure about the hallucination bit.
"Suit y'self. Haven't seen y'around before."
"Do you often sit up there?"
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