(no subject)

Dec 20, 2008 20:08

[OOM: and know that I don't hate you
and know that I don't want to fight you
and know that I'll always love you
but right now I just don't...

Millitimed to Wednesday - Doc and Katherine talk a few things out as best they can.]

She comes inside from her talk with Doc, a little long in the face, thoughts weighing heavy on her shoulders. She stops, and stares. And her door stares back.

Quietly, she shifts to the Bar, and writes a few notes:

To Ben Wade:
It's about that time. Not sure how long I'll be gone; you understand the way the door works. I'll bring you back some peaches. ...Keep an eye on Doc for me, would you?

To Esfir Shostakovna Yazycova:
Fira, I've gone home for a bit. Not sure when I will be back, but I guarantee you a trip to the 'Wild West' soon! I don't go back on my word. Take care, my dear friend.

To Lady Demeter:
Watch over him for me, please. With all my love,

To Will Scarlet:
I've returned to my home for a time. Don't grow lax in your studies in my absense. I will quiz you when I return.

To All My Dear Friends:
I've returned home for a spell. Not sure when I shall return, but you will be in my heart until we see each other again. Please take care.

She sets the pen aside and lets Bar 'hold' the notes she's written, but something makes her pause. "Miss Bar? You recall that parcel I asked you to hold--" A small package pops up. "--Thank you."

She scribbles a quick note, and sticks it between the twine and the simple brown wrapping paper. "No need to hold it until I originally requested. Just give it to him, the next time he's here."

To Doc Scurlock:
The next time Doc approaches the Bar, he will find a simple parcel with a few gifts inside. The last is engraved with the initials J.G.S., and the note reads as follows:

'what flames
through coyote
or pit-bound spirits
hold the heat
and calls
from the west
those who walk
cry too
or howl tonight
for beauty
for all the
on the
-"New Medicine Stick" by Lawrence Welsh

To the Teacher, To the Outlaw, To the Poet: a few things you have been missing.

That aside, she pays her tab and exchanges a few fond words with Lady Bar, before turning back to her door. She doesn't need to go upstairs and retrieve anything from her room.

Everything that she has is out there.

[tiny!tag: Miss Katherine Barlow]

Exit post: No tags, please.

doc scurlock, notes, exit post, oom

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