(no subject)

Dec 17, 2008 19:51

It is rather early still when Teja comes in, bringing several small leather bags from the forge. One by one, he sets them upon the bar, with instructions; one by one, they vanish. Among them is the finely extruded gold and silver wire for Ravin Lichwell, the pin for Enzo Matrix, and the ring for Billy Kaplan.

In turn, the bar brings up a message for Teja, in a hand-writing he has seen in passing, in a notice-book that was always closed soon.

Teja stares at it darkly for some moments, as if it might change what it says -- but it does not, of course! Then, he stares at the door, as if this other magical piece of wood was to blame for swallowing yet another one for whom Teja cares deeply, holding him hostage against some event that Teja has not even been told what it might be.

Because there is nothing, most likely -- no Landlord, as there is no God. Just the world, moved by random fate, evolution, and entropy -- and this place, governed by the magic of the door and the bar, which none may fathom, either, only bear with.

Finally, Teja order tea from the bar, not wishing for breakfast now; and maybe his voice is a bit gruffer than it usually was, these last few months. He retreats to the chair by the fireplace and ponders, darkly, making his way through the tea and several refills that the rats bring.

At some time, he sets down the note, crumpled where he gripped it, and picks up the grey kitten that has come to sit on his foot and ask for attention. But he remains quietly by the fire for a long time.-

teja, notes, arnold

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