Suzi is settled into a seat near the fire, knitting. She's got three toy animals dangling from her needles. The yarn is almost as bright as the headband she's wearing.
He laughs and looks down at her. Luckily for him his side is no longer tender and sore from the gunshot wounds he got in Wheelsy, though he probably wouldn't mind if it were. Suzi's enthusiasm and cheer are infections, after all.
"I'm good we're finally back and the government didn't shoot me so I get a chance to be a citizen and I've missed everyone even though it was only a week and a half how are you?"
"Hi!" Suzi chirps, "Yes I am human and these are perfectly normal for my subspecies which is about three thousand years after anyone else that I've talked to so far although that doesn't really mean too much and it turns out that the mutation was speeded up a lot by the dragons even though they're all gone now and anyway the point is that I'm perfectly normal but not a Baseline. My subspecies is Sime, my sub-mutation is channel, and my name and titles are Hajene Suzi Darley ambrov Farris."
"... my goodness," says the Medic, after walking backwards through that exclamation and only finding two full stops. "Vot impressive lung capacity you've got."
Comments 85
He's been out for awhile but hadn't seen her for a long time even before that so he's pretty happy to see her.
"Hey, how you doin? It's been awhile."
You'll excuse the Medic, we hope; he's revising some of the anatomical charts of the muscles of the human forearm in his head right now...
Yeah, he's like that. We're sorry.
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