
Aug 30, 2008 20:30

"--what do you mean calling yourself a tavern-keep without having any rum on hand, you pestiferous, feculent, maggot-ridden excuse for a --"

He's shouting back over his shoulder as he comes barreling through the door, but when he swings around and realizes where he is, Jack Sparrow breaks off there with a start.

"Well now. That's much more ( Read more... )

ingress, agent k, raven, charlie mcgee, father mulcahy, wellard, jack sparrow

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politestpirate August 31 2008, 02:51:57 UTC
"... Dare I ask where you found yourself, if they didn't have rum at hand?"

Given that in the West Indies, that tends to be the drink of choice-

But this is Jack.

He could be anywhere.


politestpirate September 23 2008, 20:09:00 UTC
Thankfully, it is still a long while until the usual Scottish winter, and while the air has a touch of autumn crispness to it, it is still far from chilly. The jungle has also been cleared by now, and the path by the stables is easy enough to follow as they both head for the woods, and the nearby area Wellard has taken over for use as a ship yard.

"We've still some work on the masts and yard arms, the sails and rigging still to haul up after that, and plenty of detail work, but-"

Even with all of that, the small ship is nearly done. The sleek hull is easy enough to see by lantern light and the bit of starlight and moonlight, sitting on the cradles and braces. The ship is no where near the size of the Pearl, but rather the size of a large sailing boat or small yaht- a much more managable size for a couple of people building everything by hand. The small cabin would be cramped for more than 4 people, and the hold would only really be big enough for storing ship supplies ( ... )


pirate_jack September 24 2008, 03:42:43 UTC
Jack's saunter slows as he draws near the vessel, and the gleam in his black eyes is bright with pleasure.

"Well, now."

He almost seems to have forgotten Wellard's presence as he begins to circle the ship, trailing brown fingers lightly over the hull, taking in the texture of the wood.


politestpirate September 24 2008, 04:09:03 UTC
Nevermind that this one will sail the skies instead of the seas. She is still a ship, with all that implies.

Wellard smiles faintly, holding the lantern aloft.


pirate_jack September 24 2008, 04:11:00 UTC
"Designed her yourself, did you, lad?"

He tosses the question over his shoulder.


politestpirate September 24 2008, 04:22:26 UTC
"I used a few other designs for a starting point, but after that..." Wellard nods slowly. "Considering I hadn't ever designed a ship before, and she's certainly going to be different than what other designers and builders have done before." He shrugs, smiling faintly.

"Once she's up, we'll see how well my ideas work."


pirate_jack September 29 2008, 03:58:29 UTC
"And when is it that you're thinking to see her launched?"

Jack turns around at this to look at Wellard.


politestpirate September 29 2008, 04:12:54 UTC
"Oh, some time around-"

And there the answer is narratively vague, much like certain dates in a certain movie. But it still works.

"Specially since some of the final work in the cabin can be done while we're up and away, and there's a few other ideas I have for things to add that can be done then as well, like a small generator. ... Maybe."

Wellard is still pondering that, but it does mean he needs to get a bit better at understanding some of those engineering books he has.


pirate_jack September 29 2008, 04:15:37 UTC
"You'll be needing a crew," he observes.



politestpirate September 29 2008, 04:37:05 UTC
"Well, Finn will probably be coming with me, and the ship's small enough that we can manage it with just two people if we have to." Wellard bites his lip, looking over the ship.

"And I wouldn't want to take people who... who have too many ties with their own world. And then- well. It's not like a navy ship where you have a clear chain of command for things..."


pirate_jack October 13 2008, 03:26:29 UTC
Both of Jack's eyebrows wing upward, at this.

"Lad, surely you're not thinking to let anyone else captain her?"


politestpirate October 13 2008, 03:41:58 UTC
Wellard blinks, and stares at Jack as if he just suggested tossing a lantern at the ship and setting it afire.

"... Certainly not!"


pirate_jack October 13 2008, 03:49:54 UTC
Jack grins and clouts him on the shoulder in approval.

"Good man."

A pause.

"Not quite seeing what the problem is with your chain of command, then."


politestpirate October 13 2008, 03:59:48 UTC
Wellard smiles wryly at Jack, then looks back at the ship. "It means I'm the chain of command, as it were."

Even with a crew of barely half a dozen people, at the most.


pirate_jack October 13 2008, 04:34:34 UTC
"Aye, and..."

He waves one hand expressively at the ship, then at Wellard, then at the sky above them and the Caribbean inlet beyond.

"... so that means there's no problem."


politestpirate October 13 2008, 05:05:36 UTC
Well, if Jack does not have any worries about Wellard's ability to command...

He takes a deep breath, and nods.

"Though as I said, we don't need many people to crew her." After hanging up his lantern on a post nearby, Wellard starts climbing up the ladder-steps propped up against the side of the hull, and motions for Jack to follow.


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