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ostro_goth July 9 2008, 07:51:24 UTC
There is a Goth nearby, with a mug of tea in his hands. No armour, this time, no axe; no blade at all except the small knife on his belt, and that is tool and implement more than weapon.

He recognises the Doctor that had explained to him about the time loop, and the nature of this place, and greets him with a polite nod.


ostro_goth July 31 2008, 17:02:56 UTC
Teja almost smiles at that. "It is a strangeness that defies perception, one might assume," he says. "Whenever man thinks he has comprehended the universe, a new fact will appear to suggest it is beyond comprehension."


thedoctorwho July 31 2008, 17:14:52 UTC
"You got it," he says with a smile. "A former researcher for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy once put forth a very similar theory, that if ever anyone figures out exactly what the universe is for, it will instantly vanish and be replaced by something even more inexplicable."


ostro_goth July 31 2008, 17:23:17 UTC
"Guide to the Galaxy?" Teja asks. "How bold of him -- to know that nothing an be finally known, and then go and write a guide as if finite knowledge might be obtained! That will take a strong mind, able to partition itself into little boxes."


thedoctorwho July 31 2008, 17:28:13 UTC
The Doctor shakes his head. "It's more like a travel guide. Places to see, things to do. That sort of thing."


ostro_goth July 31 2008, 17:55:30 UTC
"Ahhh - but even then, it would be only about parts of the galaxy," Teja says.


thedoctorwho July 31 2008, 17:58:24 UTC
"Very true. But it's constantly being updated by a team of researchers. Even so, there's always more to discover."


ostro_goth July 31 2008, 18:18:37 UTC
"Because, as we said, reality is always more complex than man may think," Teja says.


thedoctorwho July 31 2008, 19:04:34 UTC
"Bingo," the Doctor agrees with a nod.


ostro_goth July 31 2008, 19:49:03 UTC
"What is a bingo?" Teja asks.


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