(no subject)

Mar 09, 2008 19:13

The first thing Mary did upon returning to Yorkshire was to spend a whole day in the garden, reacquainting herself with everything - each new sharp blade of crocus and blade of grass, each tentative sprig of April green on the roses.

It was hard for her to leave that night, even with Dickon and Colin and Angel to see (Archibald she treats with haughty dignity and does not deign to speak to much; he convinced her to go away, after all, and clearly his judgment was faulty), and today she has spent most of the morning there as well. Only in the afternoon does she go to search out the small garden door to Milliways, and not until the evening does she leave the vicinity of the greenhouse and slip into the bar proper.

She's taller than she was a few months ago, and a little thinner, too, and she looks watchful and uncertain. It hasn't been that long - but it's felt longer.

maid marian, ingress, harth fray, enzo matrix, galadan, mary lennox, river tam, gabriel tam, goldilocks

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