
Feb 17, 2008 14:20

Some time during the afternoon, two completely different people, upon noticing that the bar had been unmanned for quite some time, came to the exact same conclusion and had the exact same solution ( Read more... )

bartending, pickles, domino harvey, happy hour, remy lebeau, mia ausa

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dingdongdoodily February 18 2008, 02:36:32 UTC
There's a redhead.
Smirking and altogether smug.
"Hey, sparky. Gimme yer fave." Of course, this was directed to his favorite Cajun.


dingdongdoodily February 18 2008, 03:53:22 UTC
"Nice goin'." Pickles stated easily before he took another sip. He was pacing himself. "Enh, figured that the worst that could happen was I'd catch an STD which I didn't, miraculously. Only time I fucked with the timeline enough t'worry about it so much was... Well, it's a long story, but it involves an old flame, a broken nose an' some Chinese food."


thiefprinceremy February 18 2008, 03:58:32 UTC
He winced at that, shaking his head, "ouch."

He shrugged then, "S'much as I like it here and s'much as I'm not plannin' on leavin' anytime soon, sometimes s'just fucked up how people come an' go from wherever."


dingdongdoodily February 18 2008, 04:01:46 UTC
"Enh, I kinda like it. Works fer me, y'know?" Pickles smiled slyly, "But if there was one thing I'd do to fuck with things, really, really fuck with things..."

He paused in thought, shook his head, and finished off that drink as well.

"Enh, ferget about it, I wouldn'ta listened to anyone at that age, even myself."


thiefprinceremy February 18 2008, 04:04:42 UTC
He huffed another laugh, shaking his head and reaching over to ruffle Pickles' hair in turn, mostly just because he knew he could get away with it, "I know what t'at's like. Was tempted t'give her a letter t'take back f'me. Only t'ing stoppin' me was I knew she wouldn' deliver it. Smart fille."


dingdongdoodily February 18 2008, 04:09:25 UTC
Pickles nodded once at that.
"I hear ya. Never did get t'meet yer ex before, but from what you've said, she's alright by me."

He shrugged one shoulder.

"But hey, one thing I know I wouldn't ever listen to anyone about is how to live or feel."

Oh no. Pickles got an idea just then and raised both brows. "Dude." He pulled out his pocket notebook and started scribbling down an idea that might have also been a note.

"Might just work. Might." He looked up at Remy with a wholly impish grin. "Oh, I'm so goin' to hell fer this, y'realize that, right?"


thiefprinceremy February 18 2008, 04:12:39 UTC
There was a browarch, "Why?"

And then, because he was who he was: "And b'sides, what's it matter? Most've th'fun people are goin' be there anyway, non?"


dingdongdoodily February 18 2008, 04:15:55 UTC
"Because I'm tellin' myself somethin' I will understand an' believe. An' hey, yer right. I'm takin' you with me, though. Might need someone pretty to look at down there."

He smile got a bit more toothy as he finished the note and addressed it to himself circa age 17, setting it on the bar. "Do yer thing, baby girl." And with that, the note was gone, ready to be sent to himself.

"We'll see, right?"


thiefprinceremy February 18 2008, 04:17:29 UTC
He snickered, "I've been goin' since..." He squinted, doing a mental calculation, "Well, a'least th'past decade. Y'won' have to take me anywhere."

And then there was winking, "Not 'less y'want to."


dingdongdoodily February 18 2008, 04:20:32 UTC
"You offerin'?"

Pickles' smile was one full of smug and sly. "Cuz y'know, I'd have to at least share, an' I ain't th'sharin' type. Or have some excuse as to why."

Hey, he learned not to cheat!


thiefprinceremy February 18 2008, 04:24:00 UTC
The smirk had very nearly taken on a life of its own at the moment, "M'always offerin', what good's a hobby if y'can' share it?"

Which was, in its own way, an answer to both the question and the statement.


dingdongdoodily February 18 2008, 04:25:46 UTC
"I keep you around because you make sense. Y'know that, right?"

The two of them could power cities with their smug.

"Catch me after Happy Hour's over."


thiefprinceremy February 18 2008, 04:28:19 UTC
Quite possibly they could power whole countries with the smug.

He nodded, smile just spreading, maybe a little too toothy for anyone's good, "You got it."


dingdongdoodily February 18 2008, 04:30:26 UTC
The redhead just nodded, gave a wink, and slipped away.

Catching hell from the hippie would come later, but he already knew that Miniver knew it was just a 'thing', nothing even remotely romantic or even related to him.

At least, Pickles hoped Miniver knew that.


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