
Sep 05, 2007 09:09

"-don't think we- ah, blast-"

Milliways has an amazingly inconvenient habit of turning up for the Brigadier when he's in the middle of pursuing something rather more important than a drink. Lethbridge-Stewart scowls blackly at the Bar environment as he steps through what was supposed to be one of the doors to the Newton Research Unit at Cambridge ( Read more... )

cryptosporidium, the brigadier, kevin ford, car keys

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Comments 11

mnt_donnie September 5 2007, 16:55:47 UTC
[OOC: hey cam, i'm on no-playing during the day while i'm unemployed, or... i'd never do anything else. can we try for donnie-brig at night sometime?]


fiveroundsrapid September 5 2007, 17:00:49 UTC
[OOC: Not a problem. I figured if I posted him during the day, he'd at least have an EP available whenever you were good to go. Night sometime is fine with me!]


shadowsfound September 5 2007, 20:50:44 UTC
Kevin looks up from his coffee. "If you ever find out where to send that 'bill', I'd love to know," he offers after a second. "So would a few other people here, I bet."


fiveroundsrapid September 5 2007, 20:57:16 UTC
The Brig glances over his shoulder a moment at the unfamiliar voice, then nods. "If there's anything left of whoever or whatever's responsible, I'll be more than happy to pass it along," he says dryly.


shadowsfound September 5 2007, 21:04:54 UTC
Kevin snickers. "If? Think that's likely?"


fiveroundsrapid September 6 2007, 01:56:04 UTC
"We're frequently pressed for time, so it's just possible," the Brig allows. "If only because UNIT might not be able to be as thorough as I'd like."


whatsshakinpox September 6 2007, 01:19:01 UTC
The Bar is known to harbor aliens.

The Brigidier is known to hunt aliens.

Crypto is an alien who has three other clones in the bar.

Today is a good day.

Cryptosporidium One-Five-Four is the veteran of a Furon civil war. He knows military quite well, especially human military. Hating ranking-officers, he decides to make some fun at the expense of the Bridigier by sitting next to him and ordering.

"Bar, gimme something hard."

Okay. He gets a brick. He hands it to the Brigidier nonchalantly while thinking of another order.

"Hold this."


fiveroundsrapid September 6 2007, 01:37:54 UTC
The Brigadier casts a dry look at the little grey fellow and then at the brick. "I think not," he says, and sets the brick down on the Bar's surface before reaching for his drink. "Do I know you?"


whatsshakinpox September 6 2007, 01:48:02 UTC
The Furon says nothing until he receives a healthy glass of fine liquor. Then, after that...

"Before I answer that, lemme ask you this: Why is it that people like British accents? Is it like some kind of secret weapon?"

THAT was out of left field...


fiveroundsrapid September 6 2007, 03:02:28 UTC
He'd just about got his own drink to his mouth when the blasted little grey thing asked the question. "I wouldn't know," he answers, putting the cup down. "I suppose one might assume it was a matter of eminent good taste."


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