
Aug 01, 2007 17:35

Will's still watching the Front Door, with a book in front of him and a mug of ale ( Read more... )

will scarlett, rabastan lestrange, wellington womble, remy lebeau, cooper

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Comments 190

young_womble August 1 2007, 22:12:23 UTC
Someone small and furry appears under Will's table.


will_scarlett August 1 2007, 22:14:39 UTC
It takes a moment for Will to recognize Wellington and then realizes he doesn't have any food to share so just smiles instead,

"Fair eve, Wellington, 'ow are ye findin' Milliays?"


young_womble August 1 2007, 22:16:38 UTC
"Hallo." Wellington says, looking up at him.

"Built for tall people." he says, trying to sum it up.


will_scarlett August 1 2007, 22:17:55 UTC
"Aye, could see that bein' a problem. Ye 'ad anythin' to eat today?"


krazyglusurgeon August 2 2007, 02:36:34 UTC
It's the first person he sees, so close to the door, so he walks over. Kid looks nice enough.

"Oi, you know which way to the infirmary?"


will_scarlett August 2 2007, 02:39:26 UTC
He had actually been fairly focussed on his book for once and thought he heard something and turned around to look, didn't see anyone he recognized or who seemed to be speaking to him.

Quick shake of his head to clear his thoughts, small prayer just to be safe and back to the book.


krazyglusurgeon August 2 2007, 02:42:30 UTC
...bloody rude.

"Lad, the infirmary. Where is it?"


will_scarlett August 2 2007, 02:44:38 UTC
The sounds there again, Will turns around and asks, "Molly, are ye invisible 'gain? I've missed ye an this doesna seem fair."


thiefprinceremy August 2 2007, 03:00:54 UTC
"Ah! Will." Remy bounded the rest of the way down the stairs and across the bar, leaning against the edge of Will's table, "'ve got a question for y' mon ami."


will_scarlett August 2 2007, 03:01:34 UTC
Its hard not to smile when greeted by a bounding Remy, "Aye, Remy, 'ow can I 'elp?"


thiefprinceremy August 2 2007, 03:04:30 UTC
His smile was crooked, "Y'want y'share've helpin' move stuff out in a paid bar tab or in shinies t'take back home?" A shrug then, "Or some combination've t'two?"


will_scarlett August 2 2007, 03:08:29 UTC
"Think the combination would be best, been worryin' 'ow was goin' to pay since dinna really 'ave any coin to spare."


iambetadraconis August 2 2007, 04:47:39 UTC
Rabastan missed all that because last night he was catching up on very much needed sleep.

His cycle began on the 28th [it follows the visual appearance of the moon, rather than starting on the date published on calendars and thus starts and ends a day early], but you'd be hard-pressed to see any signs of illness about him.

In fact he has that look of someone who made a spectacular recovery from the most horrid illness possible. Absolutely healthy and in decent shape [for someone who's scrawny in build].

Looks like a werewolf? Not at all.

Just pale [been that way for the last couple years now], but otherwise in the pink.


will_scarlett August 2 2007, 05:08:30 UTC
Will nods to Rabastan glad to see he's looking better.


iambetadraconis August 2 2007, 05:25:14 UTC
Will gets a nod in return as Rabastan pulls up next to the outlaw.

Does he ever look positive!

"Thanks for the clothes," he says, admiring the woolies he's wearing. They're nothing like wizard's clothes, and given their relative weight, have been charmed to help him stay cool.

Then he laughs.

"I'm wearing trousers! Can you believe it? Muggle trousers!"


will_scarlett August 2 2007, 05:27:10 UTC
Okay, that's just random so Will smiles since it seems the thing to do,

"Aye glad to see ye lookin' better an they do look warm."


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