(no subject)

Jul 09, 2007 22:50

And then, one night, without fanfare, the door that had not been visible for two years appeared to Winifred Burkle.

She couldn't say hadn't been expecting it.
I'm not scared.
She hadn't said a single goodbye; she didn't want to be sad when she walked out that door. And she didn't want anyone stopping her.

No tragic goodbye scenes. This wasn't goodbye, after all. Despite what her theories failed to prove, Fred never could quite believe that a soul was something that could be destroyed. Rearranged, maybe. Scattered, perhaps. But never destroyed.
I'm not scared, I'm not scared.
Of course, she wasn't going to prove or disprove anything waiting around here.
I'm not scared.
So, stopping only at the Bar to leave behind some letters, Fred took one last look at the exploding universe -- the one thing that never stopped being amazing, even here -- took a deep breath--
(why can't I--)
-- and opened the door.

What came after, only one other can say.

wesley wyndham-pryce, notes, fred burkle

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