
Jul 08, 2007 18:10

As much fun as Shalla's new Mickey Mouse-shaped datapad is, it's still full of boring reports. And so Shalla does what many of her fellow pilots do when faced with said boring reports. She falls asleep!

At least there's no Thyne to worry about.

ton phanan, shalla nelprin, inyri forge, love-in-idleness, puck, wes janson

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dr_sarcasm July 8 2007, 23:18:25 UTC
Someone call a doctor? Wait, what do you mean, NO?

Well, he's here anyway.

Ton Phanan strolls down the stairs and begins to head towards the bar, when he spies--a target! Sleeping fellow Wraiths are ideal for target practice, right? But what to throw?

He searches his pockets and comes up with a bantha keychain. He grins evilly. Perfect.

He takes aim... and lets fly.


dr_sarcasm July 9 2007, 00:27:56 UTC
He nods at the waitrat, and releases another long-suffering sigh. "So what's everyone else been up to on the outside of this place? No hijinks, right? Hijinks are outlawed unless I start them."


fighter__pilot July 9 2007, 00:29:27 UTC

Shalla shifties.

"Nope. No hijinks. In fact, I stay in my room. All the time."


dr_sarcasm July 9 2007, 00:31:28 UTC
"Good. That rule goes double for Face. You tell him I made it, and he'll listen." He nods emphatically.

And believes her not at all.


fighter__pilot July 9 2007, 00:36:36 UTC
Shalla just feels that telling him she's spent the past few months in a vaguely codependent relationship with Inyri, watching for Zekka Thyne, and getting stabbed might take awhile.

So she's totally not lying.

She salutes him. "I wouldn't dare break one of your rules. Who do you think I am?"


dr_sarcasm July 9 2007, 00:38:51 UTC
There is eyeing. Lots and lots of Eyeing.

"You're Intel. You people have no respect for rules. And you're a Wraith, so you've forgotten by now that rules exist in your universe. I bet there's not even a chain of command anymore. You've probably broken my rule in the two minutes we've been talking."


fighter__pilot July 9 2007, 00:41:07 UTC
Shalla shoots Ton a look.

"You say this as if you're so innocent. You're a Wraith too."

She grins brightly.

"And I probably have. I'll keep you posted."


dr_sarcasm July 9 2007, 00:46:58 UTC
"Shalla Nelprin! Are you insinuating that I might sport a somewhat duplicitous spirit?" Ton feigns complete shock and horror. "Perish the thought! I have sacrificed so much in the name of the Rebellion that such thoughts should be beyond you! I am of unimpeachable character!"

This speech may contain the most 3-syllable or more words Ton has spoken since entering Starfighter Command.


fighter__pilot July 9 2007, 00:50:09 UTC
"Been reading the dictionary a lot, huh, Ton?"


dr_sarcasm July 9 2007, 00:55:04 UTC
He shrugs. "When you're dead, there isn't much else to do."

"But you still haven't answered for your attack on my honor."


fighter__pilot July 9 2007, 01:00:05 UTC
"Hey, I just said you're a Wraith, which you know you are. 's a compliment to your honor, not an attack."

She pokes him in the chest.

"That's an attack."


dr_sarcasm July 9 2007, 01:03:59 UTC
Ton rubs the spot on his chest where she poked, and eyes Shalla. "True enough about the Wraith comment."

Then he pokes her in the shoulder.


fighter__pilot July 9 2007, 01:10:17 UTC
"That's because I'm always right."

She pokes him in the nose, then keeps her finger poised in case he wants more.


dr_sarcasm July 9 2007, 01:45:39 UTC
He bats at her finger, then tries to poke her in the stomach. The table makes that difficult, though.

"Women. You're all the same, insisting that we men have everything wrong all the time. We know what we're doing."


fighter__pilot July 9 2007, 01:47:34 UTC
"Yes, but you can't stop us. You're too busy doing it wrong."

Shalla beams at him. She is so clever.


dr_sarcasm July 9 2007, 01:52:33 UTC
"Who said anything about stopping you?" Ton rolls his organic eye. "We do it wrong because we know you'll fix it and make our lives easier."

There is a pause.

"What exactly are we doing wrong again?"

He pokes her elbow.


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